Week Name: 'The Minister is Elected'
Location: Greenhouses
Open to: Students of Herbology!
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy
Finnian knew that Herbology was confusing for his students around this time of year. They'd be bundled up in layers of clothing, robes, and cloaks to brave the cold outdoors and enter the greenhouses. Once inside, however, the temperature was considerably different. Finny had the inside temperature regulated by magic to keep the plants alive. A bit of a struggle, and a hassle for the students, but it had to be done. This was with the exception of Greenhouse 1, which was currently the same temeperature as the outdoors, in order for his fall planted, winter blooming plants to flourish. Yes, in the wizarding world, some plants did thrive in cold weather.
Finnian was a laid-back fellow, but he expected his students in class this week. After all, he allowed them to be nonsensical while learning, and that needed to be respected!