
May 21, 2006 21:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books Of Mystery'/ Monday, October 17th, 2005/ 8:06am
Location: Outside the Great Hall
Open to: Lexi! ^^
Currently Involving: Julian O'Brien and Lexi

Ever since he had written in that conflab book, and it had written back (Julian wasn't really sure about that nonsense, it seemed a little fishy), thoughts had been literally ( Read more... )


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lexi_winchester May 22 2006, 02:22:11 UTC
That's alright ( ... )


lexi_winchester May 29 2006, 23:32:49 UTC
Aww! I love that song, hehe. Good choice! :D I'm currently in the works of making a manip of them together for a picture purpose and an icon! Even if they aren't a couple - they are still best friends!))

If it was possible for Lexi to blush any harder, she would have just done it. She was in disbelief that this could actually be happening, a tiny part of her was constantly yelling at herself to wake up already - this has to be a dream. Someone actually fancies her? She smiled as brightly as ever to Julian, eased that he understood. "I'm really quite happy, myself!" She let out another nervous giggle, without even meaning to.

So... this was what it felt like, what all her dormmates were chatting about. Lexi liked it, indeed.


lackxluster May 30 2006, 22:13:11 UTC
((I'm glad you like it. XD Pictures! Oh yay! I love icons, and manips!))

Most people would've thought that Julian would've been at a loss of what to say. He actually thought he was as well, but his mouth was running, mostly with his consent. At least he was talking slowly enough for her to catch what he was saying.

"I'm glad to hear that you're happy to. It would've been horrible if I had upset you. Did you have a good breakfast? I'm sorry I had to nab you right as soon as you got out, but I really didn't want to miss you. Now that this is over though, it doesn't seem quite as imperative as it did a bit ago. Anyway, it's nice to get the weight off my shoulders."

He noticed her blush. Having someone else blush for once made him feel a bit better, if that was even possible. "Have you been feeling alright? Last time we talked, you were just getting over the flu. Blasted illnesses."


lexi_winchester May 30 2006, 23:08:29 UTC
Hehe, I made two. One of them together (which I iconed as this one right now), and one of them at their annual picnics! :) I like this one much better, but here's the other too: http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/1646/lexijulianpicic5fl.jpg ))

Curling a strand of hair behind her ear, Lexi smiled (yet again) and nodded to Julian. "Yeah, it was just fine. And don't worry about wanting to see me; I can understand how urgent it felt." She added in with understanding. She already thought Jules was extremely brave to have the guts to tell her in the first place!

"I've been feeling pretty well, thanks, Jules. Luckily that flu was a one time virus!" The last thing she needed was to miss a whole week of school again in less than two months. "How about yourself? I do hope you didn't get sick after me." She said with concern.


lackxluster May 30 2006, 23:25:48 UTC
((OMG! I love (and stole) them. I'll put them up as Julian's user pics as soon as I get the chance ( ... )


lexi_winchester May 31 2006, 00:20:17 UTC
Hehe! YAY! :D I'm thrilled you like them. I can send you the original copies of the big version if you like! I'm working on making a photo album type thing for Lexi to post pictures of her with friends and such! The thing about the Julian & Lexi one is they are kind of dressed nicely! (ie: suit and dress!) Any ideas of where they could have been? Or something upcoming that the picture could have been taken from? ))

Lexi honestly didn't mind at all how in tune Julian was with his feelings. She always liked how it didn't take a degree in pyscology to figure out what the heck was going on in his brain! Boys can be so bloody confusing. To other people it may seen like he some kind of pansy, but Lexi never truly went for the typical 'bad boys'. She loved Julian just the way he was. Wow... that word... love. Such a fickle, tiny, little word that in turn meant so much. Suddenly something hit Lexi - was she in love? Was she falling in love? How exactly was she supposed to know ( ... )


lackxluster May 31 2006, 01:07:49 UTC
((I'd love to see them. Links or something please? Maybe Julian invited Lexi to attend this God parent's 15th anniversary party?))

Lexi wasn't the only one with confusing feelings. Things that he had never felt before were running through him, and he didn't know what to make of it. If her smile hadn't been quite as dazzling, he might not have been so easily distracted from the queasy feeling swirling around his stomach. Even if he wasn't super tough, those certainly were not butterflies. Maybe his bread had had a little mold ( ... )


lexi_winchester June 1 2006, 17:06:30 UTC
((Ugh, came down with a horrid sickness out of nowhere! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get here to respond ( ... )


lackxluster June 1 2006, 23:39:52 UTC
((Don't apologize! It's hardly your fault. I hope you get better. Too bad you don't have that potion that Julian whipped up.

Aww! They are SO adorable. I'm talking Ultimate OTP adorable. XD Yeah, I'll get a letter together and have him send it to her. -squee-))

A fantastic grin accompanied his blush as she complimented him. Did she really think that he could become a potions master? Wouldn't that be the best! Resisting the urge to give his usual 'Doh'-bashful act, he looked up from his knees to her. "You really think I could be? He kind of scares me really." There he goes again, giving up very un-manly information. Sighing at his stupidity, he smiled. "I can imagine, I'll be a professor and sell my Drinks at Hogsmeade." The thought that by the time he was old enough to be a professor Hogwarts might not even be open did not even cross his mind. There was a war going on? What war? That was basically Julian's mind set. Sure people were getting killed, but Julian just didn't tend to think of that.

"No, no. You don't have to apologize, ( ... )


lexi_winchester June 2 2006, 00:22:54 UTC
Thank you! I don't know what happened but I was like suddenly dizzy and throwing up like mad. Ugh, I am feeling better, thanks! I sure do one of those potions XD ( ... )


lackxluster June 2 2006, 01:38:33 UTC
((Wow, that's really weird. It is J/A, isn't it. Hah. If I weren't so lazy, I might make an icon for them too. XD Too soon? Hardly! I think you can OTP after one interaction ( ... )


lexi_winchester June 2 2006, 22:37:19 UTC
Yeah, it just sounds so odd as I'm used to L with Lexi XD Blah, perhaps we can just use J/L anyway as most people know her as Lexi! And speaking of icons, I just made this one last night ^. Hee, it just so reminded me of them :D ( ... )


lackxluster June 3 2006, 21:41:49 UTC
((Ahh! I love that icon too! Sorry I didn't reply until today. I've been feeling a little, well, poopish, and haven't been really up to go on the computer. P.S. I'm only half wrapping this up ( ... )


lexi_winchester June 3 2006, 23:09:06 UTC
Oh it's alright, don't worry about it! I was just feeling horrible lately so I know what it's like. Hope you feel better :) And thanks for liking the icon. You're welcome to use any of them as well!

Oh, and one more thing... *SQUEE J/L* ))

Lexi herself had completely forgotten track of the time and her first class that morning. She gasped slightly and went to check her watch but was instantly pulled up by Julian and rushed to the door. "Oh.. it's alright, Julian, I kn--" She paused as he soon disappeared from beside her and she glanced back to him frantically searching for his wand. "I..err..." Taking a look around, she was unable to find anything he might be looking for. Once again, he was moving like lightning so before she was even able to ask what he was in search of, he was back by her side. Wow, this guy can move.

She then smiled to him as he came back. He took her arms and leaned in to her, and she started blushing. Was he going to...? Her breathing quickened as he got closer, and before she could go through the whole 'Oh my ( ... )


lackxluster June 4 2006, 03:25:41 UTC
((I might make my own, so that way we can spam everyone with twice the number of icons! Just one question though, what happens to your opening "((" though?

-squee J/L-))

Julian wasn't thinking about much of anything. Well, he was thinking about the most important thing in his life right then. Lexi. How she was his, and how never once had expected things to go well In fact, he had thought over kissing her. At the time, he thought it would've been unseemly. But as the morning played out, things seemed to putting themselves together like puzzle pieces. First that she fancied him, then that they were dating, and now this. Just the thought - while he had been thinking it over earlier that morning - of kissing Lexi had constricted his airways. But now here he was ( ... )


lexi_winchester June 5 2006, 16:37:12 UTC
((Gah! I honestly have never used the beginning "((" to the ooc comments, sorry! It's a habit to just stick it on the end XD. I'll try to remember!

And good idea with the icon spamming ;) If you can think of anymore little 'quotes' or anything for them, let me know and I'll make more! ))

She couldn't believe it. After all this time, wondering, waiting... it happened. She had her first kiss, and it really meant something. Call her old fashioned, but Lexi took everything about a relationship seriously, whether it be a first kiss or all the way to your first time. Most of her friends had kissed a boy when they were 12 and it meant nothing to them, but Lexi had wanted to wait, to have it mean something. And it did.

Opening her eyes slowly, she focused back on Julian and smiled. With a small nod, she took a deep breath and tried to collect herself as much as possible. She knew she had to get to class in a few minutes - although her brain was screaming 'Who the bloody hell cares!?'. But alas, it was time to go ( ... )


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