
May 21, 2006 21:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books Of Mystery'/ Monday, October 17th, 2005/ 8:06am
Location: Outside the Great Hall
Open to: Lexi! ^^
Currently Involving: Julian O'Brien and Lexi

Ever since he had written in that conflab book, and it had written back (Julian wasn't really sure about that nonsense, it seemed a little fishy), thoughts had been literally ( Read more... )


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lackxluster June 1 2006, 23:39:52 UTC
((Don't apologize! It's hardly your fault. I hope you get better. Too bad you don't have that potion that Julian whipped up.

Aww! They are SO adorable. I'm talking Ultimate OTP adorable. XD Yeah, I'll get a letter together and have him send it to her. -squee-))

A fantastic grin accompanied his blush as she complimented him. Did she really think that he could become a potions master? Wouldn't that be the best! Resisting the urge to give his usual 'Doh'-bashful act, he looked up from his knees to her. "You really think I could be? He kind of scares me really." There he goes again, giving up very un-manly information. Sighing at his stupidity, he smiled. "I can imagine, I'll be a professor and sell my Drinks at Hogsmeade." The thought that by the time he was old enough to be a professor Hogwarts might not even be open did not even cross his mind. There was a war going on? What war? That was basically Julian's mind set. Sure people were getting killed, but Julian just didn't tend to think of that.

"No, no. You don't have to apologize, ever." Along with the switch that made his brain not process what he was going to say, there must have been another one that turned on in Lexi's presence. The one that made him smile uncontrollably. No matter how much his cheeks hurt, no matter if she said she hated him, he wouldn't have stopped smiling. He literally couldn't - not that he was trying.

And then she said the words that he thought me would never hear. He didn't even think of the fact that he had meant forever and ever, and she might have meant for now. Either way, Julian had never felt happier in his life; not even when his mother was still alive. "I, ja-just, shocked." Blushing because he couldn't form proper sentences, Julian took a deep breath. "Then you're my...girlfriend?" he breathed, as if he said the word too loudly, she would object.


lexi_winchester June 2 2006, 00:22:54 UTC
Thank you! I don't know what happened but I was like suddenly dizzy and throwing up like mad. Ugh, I am feeling better, thanks! I sure do one of those potions XD

Hehe, I'm sooo glad! I know it's soon to be all shippy over them, but earlier in the week I just went Julian/Lexi crazy, lol. And I loved the idea of them together so I wanted an icon! *grin* I am totally going all OTP with them too! Hee, J/A! (it's so weird to put A...I'd put L but that's just her nickname XD) ))

"Absolutely!" Lexi grinned, "I think you'd be a perfect less-scary Potions Professor." She knew that he could do it if he wanted to, and the thought of Hogwarts after the war never crossed her mind either. She was well aware of what was going on with Voldemort, but she really had all the faith in the world in Dumbledore. Perhaps it was her subconcious unable to process the idea, but Lexi didn't think that Hogwarts would ever close.

Little did Julian know that while she always made him smile, he in return always gave her little stomach jolts. Butterflies, in a way, but like a flipping feeling deep in stomach. They happened often whenever Lexi was with Julian, and it took her quite a while to figure out just why.

And she finally said it. What she truly was feeling for this whole year, and possibly before. Something seemed to switch in herself, and Lexi was able to sort out what her heart was telling her. Right after she blurted out just that, she became extremely red, blushing all over. Although, this time - it was more because of happiness, than embarrassment. "I just... well, I didn't want you to wait any longer." She was glad she said it, and what's more is that she meant it. Wow, she was somebody's girlfriend? It happened only once before, but that hardly counted; she was 12. "Yeah, I guess I am." Cue the uncontrollable grinning - for herself. "And you're my boyfriend."


lackxluster June 2 2006, 01:38:33 UTC
((Wow, that's really weird. It is J/A, isn't it. Hah. If I weren't so lazy, I might make an icon for them too. XD Too soon? Hardly! I think you can OTP after one interaction. ^^))

Julian nodded, sighing with relief, and rubbing his arm nervously. Even if he was overjoyed, he was still completely out of his mind with nervousness. He didn't want to say the wrong thing, or worse, do the wrong thing. Though, he figured if he stuck to compliments and smiles, nothing too bad would happen. He didn't have a lot of luck though, and after all this, he figured that it was simply all used up.

Taking a deep breath, Julian ran his hand through his hair in a failed attempt to make it look at least a little better. Actually, it didn't even really look bad. It looked like it usually did - messy. Thinking about hair made him notice hers. Without thinking, Julian reached out ((they're sitting close enough for this to happen, kay?)) and touched the hair by her shoulder. He twirled a small lock around his finger before sitting back in the chair and placing is hands in his lap. /Her hair is really soft/ he thought, heart pounding quite loudly in his ear.

Until she had mentioned it, Julian didn't realize her being his girlfriend made him her boyfriend. It was a foreign feeling; knowing that he was 'with' someone. Put simply, Julian was completely inexperienced; he didn't even have a 12-year-old fake romance under his belt. But that was okay, everything was okay. He had her now, and that was all that mattered. "Yes, I am." His smile was so bright, you could easily see most of his teeth. "I can't believe it," he admitted bashfully, looking down at his shoes, then peeking back up at her through his hair.


lexi_winchester June 2 2006, 22:37:19 UTC
Yeah, it just sounds so odd as I'm used to L with Lexi XD Blah, perhaps we can just use J/L anyway as most people know her as Lexi! And speaking of icons, I just made this one last night ^. Hee, it just so reminded me of them :D ))

Lexi continued smiling, not aware that she really wasn't able to stop. Her heart was racing like mad, and she was attempting to stay as composed as possible (when she felt like dancing around the classroom). But no, Julian just wasn't her best guy friend - he was her boyfriend, and she wanted to appear proper, and or course, sane.

From all of the things she expected Julian to do, that was one of the least. When he reached and touched her hair, she quickly looked down, wondering if she had something stuck in it. Her cheeks running deep red, she looked back up to Julian, realizing what he really was doing. She stayed silent, just smiling. This felt... nice. She didn't have much experience, but she wanted to.

Lexi may have had a boyfriend before but she hardly did anything physical, with the exception of holding hands. Although she never told anyone, she always fantasized about what her first kiss would be like, who the boy would be. A total romantic, she was. In silence, she wondered if that boy was sitting in front of her.

"Yeah... we either, really." She agreed in a soft voice, smiling all the while.


lackxluster June 3 2006, 21:41:49 UTC
((Ahh! I love that icon too! Sorry I didn't reply until today. I've been feeling a little, well, poopish, and haven't been really up to go on the computer. P.S. I'm only half wrapping this up.))

Julian was on the brink of a melt down. His emotions were so fumbled he didn't know what to do. Usually, he was collected with them (he figured he'd grow out of that horrible blushing business!), but right now he was overwhelmed. The more she smiled, the weaker his knees got; thank goodness he was sitting down.His heart was pounding, and when he broke contact with her there was a sudden pain in his stomach and he wondered if he had died for a moment. Noticing that he thankfully hadn't, he sighed, relived. His brain was also bumbling; the topic of time suddenly appeared to Julian and checking is watch, he was quickly horrified.

"Oh my! It's getting late! You probably need to get to class, I'm so..sorry for keeping you." He jumped up, pulling her up and along with him. About to exit the door with her arm in his hand, he realized he had forgotten his wand. His nervousness made him completely forget that it was safely in his pocket, and Julian let go of Lexi and nearly flew over to the table. He looked on the table, on the chairs, on the floor. Still no wand. Looking hopelessly at Lexi, he patted his pants and upon feeling his wand, he breatwhed a sigh of relief. "Calm down mate, calm down," he breathed almost silently, trying futilely to calm himself down.

Returning to her side, Julian smiled at her. "I'm really glad this, we, worked out." Lexi did not have to wait much longer to know the answer to her question. Before he could stop himself, Julian had taken each of her arms in his hands and leaned over and kissed her. Her lips were soft and warm, Julian realized suddenly, and he pulled back just slightly - their foreheads pressed together and their noses almost touching.


lexi_winchester June 3 2006, 23:09:06 UTC
Oh it's alright, don't worry about it! I was just feeling horrible lately so I know what it's like. Hope you feel better :) And thanks for liking the icon. You're welcome to use any of them as well!

Oh, and one more thing... *SQUEE J/L* ))

Lexi herself had completely forgotten track of the time and her first class that morning. She gasped slightly and went to check her watch but was instantly pulled up by Julian and rushed to the door. "Oh.. it's alright, Julian, I kn--" She paused as he soon disappeared from beside her and she glanced back to him frantically searching for his wand. "I..err..." Taking a look around, she was unable to find anything he might be looking for. Once again, he was moving like lightning so before she was even able to ask what he was in search of, he was back by her side. Wow, this guy can move.

She then smiled to him as he came back. He took her arms and leaned in to her, and she started blushing. Was he going to...? Her breathing quickened as he got closer, and before she could go through the whole 'Oh my god am I going to do this right!? Is my breath okay!?; speech in her head, his lips were on hers. Oh god, oh god! She was a little in shock, but didn't pull away. Lexi pressed her lips gently back onto his, seemingly melting into his arms. After what seemed like quite a lot longer than it actually was, Julian pulled back slightly, and with their foreheads against each other, she stood there with her eyes still closed.

"..Yeah..." Was all she get out.


lackxluster June 4 2006, 03:25:41 UTC
((I might make my own, so that way we can spam everyone with twice the number of icons! Just one question though, what happens to your opening "((" though?

-squee J/L-))

Julian wasn't thinking about much of anything. Well, he was thinking about the most important thing in his life right then. Lexi. How she was his, and how never once had expected things to go well In fact, he had thought over kissing her. At the time, he thought it would've been unseemly. But as the morning played out, things seemed to putting themselves together like puzzle pieces. First that she fancied him, then that they were dating, and now this. Just the thought - while he had been thinking it over earlier that morning - of kissing Lexi had constricted his airways. But now here he was.

"I..," he said quietly, not sure what he was at all. Lost, Happy, Enthralled, and most pressingly a dangerous four letter word came to mind, but he couldn't say much of anything. Thankfully, he didn't need to be thinking properly to hug her, because he was not thinking properly. His first love was his first girlfriend and his first kiss. Something had to go wrong, it just had to. Julian remembered that she was late for class. "I need to see you again," he said, nodding slightly and touching her cheek. "But you need to get to class."


lexi_winchester June 5 2006, 16:37:12 UTC
((Gah! I honestly have never used the beginning "((" to the ooc comments, sorry! It's a habit to just stick it on the end XD. I'll try to remember!

And good idea with the icon spamming ;) If you can think of anymore little 'quotes' or anything for them, let me know and I'll make more! ))

She couldn't believe it. After all this time, wondering, waiting... it happened. She had her first kiss, and it really meant something. Call her old fashioned, but Lexi took everything about a relationship seriously, whether it be a first kiss or all the way to your first time. Most of her friends had kissed a boy when they were 12 and it meant nothing to them, but Lexi had wanted to wait, to have it mean something. And it did.

Opening her eyes slowly, she focused back on Julian and smiled. With a small nod, she took a deep breath and tried to collect herself as much as possible. She knew she had to get to class in a few minutes - although her brain was screaming 'Who the bloody hell cares!?'. But alas, it was time to go.

"You'll see me again." She assured him with a soft smile, and then took his hand and headed to the door. At the doorway, Lexi turned and hesitated for a moment, not sure what to say. "Well.. I, err..." She studdered out, "Thank you.. for this." She looked at him for a quick moment before leaning in and kissing his cheek softly. "I'll owl you." Lingering for a moment, she whispered to him and then took off down the hallway towards her first class. How in ruddy heck she was going to concentrate, she had no idea.


lackxluster June 6 2006, 00:19:17 UTC
((Don't worry about it. I just thought that they might have disappeared or something. XD Check out my icon! ^^))

Julian's thought process was flawed. He didn't even realized he was being lead to the door, or that she had said anything until she was nearly departing. "More often now, please." He requested, blushing as she kissed his cheek. He felt his heart swell, but then felt it suddenly sink again as she pulled away from him.

"Oh I've got, well...something.." Julian trailed off as he walked her walk down the corridor. He had better see her again; he felt the desperate sensation to chase after her. Class or not, Julian couldn't really stand to be away from her now. Unfortunately, he was not brave, and he knew she would already be receiving some grief about being late.

What he had for her was an invitation. His God parents 15th anniversary party was coming up, and by god if he didn't want her to attend with him. Sighing heavily, Julian made his way back to the common room. A nap was in order; he was whipped. Who knew that feeling so amazing could make you so tired.

((Thread Closed))


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