
May 16, 2006 09:05

Week Name/Date/Time:'Promises and Plans'/Thursday October 15th, 10:15am
Location: Study Hall
Open To: Lauren!
Currently Involving: Avery, Lauren

Isn't one supposed to be studying during Study Hall period? )


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averykellaway May 16 2006, 03:53:07 UTC
Avery proceeded to close her books, and stacked them neatly on one side of the table, away from Lauren so that they could see each other clearly without any obstruction. Would be rude to talk over the books, and not very nice at all.

She did leave one particular book, a sort of relationship/friendship guidebook on the table, out of the stack. It was something that she had found in the library, much to her surprise. Not that she had actually been thinking about relationships. No, not at all. They just caught her eye, that was all ( ... )


averykellaway May 18 2006, 02:38:20 UTC
Was Lauren... blushing? Whoa. That was something Avery had never seen.

Her eyes widened but her face showed how amused she was that the older girl kind of alarmed over this tiny information. How could Avery had forgotten about the notice? Well, it could be that she only saw it twice, and both times she had been in a rush. All she remembered was that it mentioned Lauren.. and Cyrus, wasn't it? She remembered Cyrus. They had met briefly at the Quidditch Pitch the previous week. Quite a nice bloke.

"Well, I suppose it could be a joke, seeing that it was Soren who wrote it," she assured her, tapping her knee lightly under the table. She seemed extremely uncomfortable, and this made Avery wonder if the rumours had been somewhat true. Or maybe there something going on between those two, even if it wasn't a real relationship?

"I've met Cyrus, though. I think he's a very nice bloke," she added, almost as an afterthought.


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 05:56:04 UTC
"Yes, probably a joke. Although he seemed pretty convinced..." Lauren shrugged, wishing the git would have come to her and asked if it was true, rather than posting it in their common room for the world to see. "I suppose I'll have to hunt him down and talk to him." Yep, she definitely made another mental note to do that. But whenever she went looking for him, he was no where to be found! Sneaky little bugger.

Lauren proped her head up in her palm, her elbow resting on the table as she looked over at Avery, "Oh, you've met him?" Goodness, why was she smiling so big? Why was just the thought of him making her go crazy? Murr.

"He's a very nice bloke, yes. One of my best mates, to be honest. He taught me all I know about photography."


averykellaway May 19 2006, 06:33:59 UTC
Avery couldn't help grinning at the mention of Soren and Lauren hunting him down for a talk. Sure sounded like Soren to her ( ... )


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 07:17:37 UTC
She nodded, "I know, that bloody wanker is probably avoiding me," She lifted a fist in the air teasingly, shaking it with a mock angry face before giggling. "Although it makes me wonder why he thought such a thing..."

Again, her thoughts went back to the talk she had with Cyrus -- how Cyrus hadn't said anything in regards to Soren's assumptions. Had he honestly done that because he wanted to keep Niki secret? Or did a small part of him want to be associated with Lauren in that way. It was so hard to tell, and Lauren wasn't sure if she had ever been this confused.

"Oh, you two went flying together?" She grinned, running a hand through her hair, "That's nice and... yeah," Lauren bit her lip, knowing what he must have been distracted with, "He's been going through some hard times as of late... he's not usually so distant."

As Avery complimented her, she smiled feebly, waving her hand in the air to show that she wasn't that good, "He is really good... and, you haven't seen any of my work? How sad! I have to show you my latest, from the ( ... )


averykellaway May 19 2006, 07:54:50 UTC
Avery giggled, too, with one hand covering her mouth as Lauren's face expressed her mock anger. See, that was why she liked having Lauren around. Her energy just somehow seeped through to Avery, and it usually made everything seem better with the world. Sweet.

"He's probably just being his usual self, trying to stir up some scandal." Probably getting bored of having scandals which revolved around him, too. But if Lauren had not been reading Fi's journal, she wouldn't have seen what she wrote about fish and Soren anyway, so Avery chose not to mention that to her.

She nodded at her question. "Yeah, I didn't know you know each other that well, or I would've said something." Her mouth formed an O as Lauren spoke about
Cyrus having problems, but didn't say anything more since she didn't really know Cyrus thatwell, and probing any further would just be.. well, rude.

"Oh I'd love that! Nope, I don't believe I've seen any of it. I could go up to your dorm one of these days," she suggested, smiling and nodding excitedly.


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 08:23:13 UTC
No, Lauren didn't always pay attention to other peoples journals, especially the younger years. Not that she didn't like them, because she thought the little devils were far too adorable at times! She just... got distracted with other things, so of course she hadn't been reading what latest scandals Fi was digging up. Oh well.

"Yeah," She smiled again, wishing the goofy grin would just GO AWAY, or else Avery would suspect something. Which really, was just what she needed. Except not. She'd already told too many people about it... "We met on the train our third year... he was taking pictures, like he always does, and me being the curious cat that I am, just had to go ask him about it!"


"Well, next time I catch you in the common room, which better be soon," She gave her a stern, yet teasing look, "Then I will show you!"


averykellaway May 19 2006, 08:58:40 UTC
So Lauren didn't know anything about Fi's journal entry. That was truly a relief for Avery. She didn't need more people asking her what the deal was with the whole fish rumour. Apparently Jackie had been naïve enough to believe Fi and had approached Soren to ask about the... issue.

Avery studied Lauren's expression for a while longer, amused at the grin plastered on her face. Surely, something was up. She could recognize that look anywhere... it was on Erik's face as he talked about Juhi, on her own father's face as he reminisced about her mother.

There was no doubt about it. Lauren did feel something for this Cyrus ( ... )


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 09:21:16 UTC
"Me? Make you giggle?" Lauren gasped, "Surely you jest!"

Yes, she continued to giggle, not caring about those lame Ravenclaws who were staring them down. Lauren simply turned to them and gave them the same glare, a look that could kill. Good times!!

She turned back Avery, leaning her head in as she brought her voice to a whisper, "Oh, this is fun yeah? Let's see who can stare each other down the most! We're bound to win, Gryffindors are the best, after all."

It was so good to spend time with this girl. Lauren truly did love her. Although she had younger siblings, she hadn't ever been really close to them, so she seemed to adopt a few of her own while she was at school -- Erik and Avery being two of her favorite young'uns.


averykellaway May 19 2006, 09:30:33 UTC
Looking away from the glaring Claws, she poked Lauren's arm with one finger. "No, I don't!" She clicked her tongue twice, shaking her head and looking as if she had been thoroughly offended. Except, of course, she was still giggling.

She turned away and covered her face with both hands as the other girl turned to glare back at the students on the other table, her body shaking slightly with laughter.

When she had contained her laughter, she looked back at Lauren. "Sure, we could. We've you, don't we? I'll just.. cheer you on while you stare them down. Support is always good!" Avery teased, covering her mouth again.

She was having too much fun with Lauren. While Bran was the type who would tease her and at the same time dote on her, Lauren was always the one who could made her laugh and that was good, too.


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 09:45:39 UTC
Lauren scoffed lightly, "No way, you are so not coping out like that. You have to help me!!" She almost whined, grabbing the other girls arm and squeezing lightly, "I can't do this aloooooone Avery!!"

Ok, so she totally could if she really wanted to. Lauren was bloody great at giving people death glares -- it had been an art she perfected with all those encounters she'd had with certain Slytherins. One had to get tough when there were such pureblood snobs around; she had learned at an early age never to take any of their crap.

And although she was pretty much teasing, those darn Ravenclaws were still mad dogging them, and that was not on! Screw it, if they didn't like their giggles, who were they to judge? It was just a bloody study hall, it wasn't the end of the world if they didn't finish their bleeding homework.

"Do it, Avery. Just glare at them. I know you can do it. Just... once, that's all I ask!" Gigglesnort.


averykellaway May 19 2006, 11:56:45 UTC
Avery was sure she'd be too tired for the rest of the day if Lauren kept up with this. Because honestly? She was laughing way too much! And in the study hall! Anytime now the professor would come up to them and throw them out. Or better yet, give them both detention.

But when Lauren almost whined at her, she giggled inwardly and slapped her forehead with the back of her free hand, unable to control herself. Well, at least she wasn't as loud as she was earlier, and Lauren wasn't giggling uncontrollably anymore. That was a relief.

"But, Lauren... I can't!" Giggle. "Ok, ok, I'll try." She took a deep breath and started to turn around, but before she could turn all the way, she closed her eyes and giggled again. What was wrong with her??

Shaking her head and trying to catch her breath, she looked at Lauren, "I can't do it!" But wow, was that fun or what? Avery never knew giggling so much could be so fun. She just... never giggled that much before.

"It's unfair! You must've brought.. giggling essence with you or something."


lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 22:46:20 UTC
Watching as Avery started to turn around, Lauren thought she might have convinced her... but no, the girl quickly turned back, saying she couldn't do it!

"Don't be so afraid!!" Lauren hissed, trying to remain as quiet as possible(which was such a hard thing for her to do) so they wouldn't draw even more attention to themselves, "Ya gotta live a little. You don't want people to walk all over you, do you? Just because you can't simply glare at someone! Glaring is the least of your worries; all Gryffindors know how to glare... it's like a right of passage!" Ok, so that wasn't so true, but maybe that would get Avery to actually do it ( ... )


averykellaway May 20 2006, 05:24:39 UTC
Afraid? Who said anything about being afraid? "No, it's not that. It's just.. I feel so awkward doing it!" Avery said, shaking her head and still laughing quietly. Of course she wasn't going to admit that she was afraid, even if she was... which, she totally wasn't. Not at all. Hmm ( ... )


lauren_taylor_d May 20 2006, 08:48:55 UTC
"You did it!!!" Lauren cheered, bringing Avery into a big hug, "And I am soooooo proud of you!!"

Which was totally true. As lame as it was to get someone to glare, it was still a pretty cool feeling. Glaring was not something Avery did... ever, and Lauren knew that. It was rather cute, seeing such a sweet girl like Avery get all mean and nasty! Well, so she hadn't been that bad, but still.

"See? You are brave, and you're a total Gryff!" The older girl winked at the younger, trying to quiet her laughter. This little visit had been far more fun than she could have ever imagined. She made a mental note to spend more time with Avery -- she could use a good influence like Lauren in her life, yeah? Hee.

Sighing, trying to catch her breath, she smiled, "You are quite the protégé! You'll be glaring with the best of us in no time!"


averykellaway May 20 2006, 10:57:11 UTC
Avery smiled when Lauren pulled her into a hug, covering the upper half of her face with her hand and shaking her head slowly. "This is mental, Lauren. You're making me mental. I demand you pay for it... with lots of chocolates and apple candies!" she told the older girl while wagging her finger in a mock threatening way ( ... )


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