
May 16, 2006 09:05

Week Name/Date/Time:'Promises and Plans'/Thursday October 15th, 10:15am
Location: Study Hall
Open To: Lauren!
Currently Involving: Avery, Lauren

Isn't one supposed to be studying during Study Hall period? )


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lauren_taylor_d May 19 2006, 22:46:20 UTC
Watching as Avery started to turn around, Lauren thought she might have convinced her... but no, the girl quickly turned back, saying she couldn't do it!

"Don't be so afraid!!" Lauren hissed, trying to remain as quiet as possible(which was such a hard thing for her to do) so they wouldn't draw even more attention to themselves, "Ya gotta live a little. You don't want people to walk all over you, do you? Just because you can't simply glare at someone! Glaring is the least of your worries; all Gryffindors know how to glare... it's like a right of passage!" Ok, so that wasn't so true, but maybe that would get Avery to actually do it.

Lauren didn't want her friend to grow up as some pansy who couldn't stand up for herself. She didn't want Avery to take other peoples crap. Sure, they had been a little loud in study hall, but that didn't give those bloody Ravenclaws reason to look at them like that -- it was simply a matter of getting even, and Lauren felt as if Avery needed to learn that lesson.

"Just... try one more time, ok? And don't be so nice! It's not like you're saying anything, its merely a look. You can totally do it!!" She squeezed her friends hand, light giggles still coming out of her mouth.


averykellaway May 20 2006, 05:24:39 UTC
Afraid? Who said anything about being afraid? "No, it's not that. It's just.. I feel so awkward doing it!" Avery said, shaking her head and still laughing quietly. Of course she wasn't going to admit that she was afraid, even if she was... which, she totally wasn't. Not at all. Hmm.

"A rite of passage?" she asked Lauren, raising an eyebrow. So.. did everyone in Gryffindor go through this glaring phase at one point or another in their Hogwarts career? Interesting concept. And though Avery doubted it, she wanted to prove that she could do it. Of course she didn't want to have people walking all over her. She was quiet, but certainly not a push-over.

She gave her friend a slight nod, took a deep breath and slowly turned around. Oh they were still looking! Mustering her courage, she looked at the Ravenclaw boy in the eye, mouth set in a thin, straight line and held his gaze for a few moments.

That was about all she could do.

Turning back quickly, her jaw dropped slightly and she placed a hand over her mouth. "I... did it!" she whispered to Lauren.


lauren_taylor_d May 20 2006, 08:48:55 UTC
"You did it!!!" Lauren cheered, bringing Avery into a big hug, "And I am soooooo proud of you!!"

Which was totally true. As lame as it was to get someone to glare, it was still a pretty cool feeling. Glaring was not something Avery did... ever, and Lauren knew that. It was rather cute, seeing such a sweet girl like Avery get all mean and nasty! Well, so she hadn't been that bad, but still.

"See? You are brave, and you're a total Gryff!" The older girl winked at the younger, trying to quiet her laughter. This little visit had been far more fun than she could have ever imagined. She made a mental note to spend more time with Avery -- she could use a good influence like Lauren in her life, yeah? Hee.

Sighing, trying to catch her breath, she smiled, "You are quite the protégé! You'll be glaring with the best of us in no time!"


averykellaway May 20 2006, 10:57:11 UTC
Avery smiled when Lauren pulled her into a hug, covering the upper half of her face with her hand and shaking her head slowly. "This is mental, Lauren. You're making me mental. I demand you pay for it... with lots of chocolates and apple candies!" she told the older girl while wagging her finger in a mock threatening way.

In fact, she might be going mental on her own, doing things like that. Her father wouldn't be pleased to hear about it, that's for sure. He hadn't even liked it one bit when she was sorted into Gryffindor, having heard all about its students motorious pranking from her mother. But then again, it wasn't as if she had done any harm, had she?

She nodded and let out a soft chuckle at Lauren's question. "Yeah I'm a Gryff who had just glared at someone for the first time in my life. Well, maybe second time..." she thought about it for a moment before continuing, voice dropping to barely a whisper, "I didn't tell you about antler jinx last week, did I?" Oh yes, right amount of glaring being done there. Lauren would've been proud.

Now that she thought about it, she was really lucky to not have gotten into trouble after hexing Emilia. It was something she would look back and smile about, if everything went well in the world.

She looked at Lauren. "So do I get to join the Secret Glaring Society now?" Grin.


lauren_taylor_d May 21 2006, 02:49:07 UTC
She waved her hand to dismiss Avery's comment about being mental, "No, no. You most certainly are not going mental. If you were, that would mean that I am mental. And you don't actually think that, do you?" Her expression looked hurt, but it was only held for a second before a smile split her face.

"Antler jinx? No, you never told me about that!!" Lauren was intrigued, but unfortunately she had a conscious(sometimes), and it was telling her that she should leave the poor girl to her studying... and those bloody Ravenclaws that still looked over at them ever five seconds.

"You'll have to tell me about it later, yeah? I should probably go... still want to get a nice walk before lunch!" She smiled, laughing lightly, "And of course you may join the Secret Glaring Society. You'll be a great member, I can tell!" Lauren winked, giving Avery a quick hug before waving goodbye, dashing out the Great Hall before bursting out into another fit of giggles. That had been marvelous fun. She loved corrupting the innocent.

((sorry, I figured I'd take her out since the week changes!! ♥))


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