Feb 15, 2010 23:50
Remember, you have to have been a member of HiH for at least two months.
Deadline: 18th Feb 2010. Voting will go up for about as long shortly after that, depending on if we need to wait for more applications.
Joint applications: we will accept joint applications, each joint application counts as 1/2 a position. We'll only accept joint applicants for posts that require one mod. I also ask that the two of you form a cohesive application that appears if one person has wrote it, this includes using singular pronouns.
St Mungos: Creating activities for the community, getting these approved and submitting their points, overssing healer applications, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their userinfo up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Have you participated in this community before?
If there were an argument or conflict regarding the community (someone inappropriately marking the rating or a points dispute, for instance), how would you handle it?
What would you like to change or see kept the same?
Why are you interested in being mod of this community?
Do you have any experience with html and graphics creation?
Daily Prophet Editor: Responsible for creating an edition of the prophet to post in the main community at set intervals, liasing with other communities to get information for the post, hiring and firing reporters, creating activities for the paper (and getting these approved and their points submitted).
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have for performing the necessary contest leader duties?
Suggest three topics or prompts:
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges, how would you handle it?
Have you participated in this activity before?
Why are you interested in being the leader for this activity?