Name: Katelyn (Katie)
Age: 15
House you were sorted into: Hufflepuff
Link to original application: Are there any questions you would like to elaborate on? If I could I would elaborate on most of the questions, but there is one that boldly stuck out:
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? As of now I consider these five abilities and qualities my top; Maturity, intelligence, truthful, creativity and lastly determination (when wanted). My maturity always stuck out like a sore thumb, being born at the beginning of the year (and therefore usually making me the oldest of my class) probably didn’t help, but I was raised from a young age as an adult. Being an only child and one to two first cousins you learn human behaviour quite early. My intelligence is evident; I have a 92% average (in Canada), yet hate actually talking about it -- I’m very weary about shoving that down people’s throats. I’m truthful, I can actually be too blunt in most situations and upset people, but for my friends, I’ll tell it like it is. I need creativity in my life -- I think it would be boring without it. I love art, writing, fanfiction anything that gets those juices flowing. My determination (or stubborness depending) is something I bring about when I feel the need. I’m a good debater and have this strive to make my point clear and evident.
Explain why you feel misplaced in your current House! Originally I had misgivings about being placed into Hufflepuff -- stereotypically it’s known as “the other house” where they will take “all the rest”. Although I agree everyone should have the right to learn magic, this didn’t at all appeal to me. During my sorting period there was a fairly close race between Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor -- this has always made me question my house. If everyone was so mixed, there had to be something missing. Ultimately I was sorted into Hufflepuff, and I was slightly disappointed, but I gave it a shot because I thought I might open up to it and trust that the sorting was correct and it was just me. I thought I would gain house spirit like everyone else seemed to have. Unfortunately for me this hasn’t happened and I have a feeling it won’t for Hufflepuff. I haven’t opened up to anyone in my house, which makes me question my placement. I ask myself, “Shouldn’t I feel comfortable in these situations? Shouldn’t I share similar qualities to these folk?” But nothing seemed to come of the situation. Thus, I haven’t been participating, even though I think I would enjoy doing so. Also to reassure this, I have friends on my flist whom I get along with far better and they are in the other three houses, I don’t have one from Hufflepuff.
More on the trait side, Hufflepuffs are supposed to be paitent -- which I am certainly not. When it comes to long things like, “I can’t wait to get out of high school.” To the small things like, “My key is in the door knob but it’s not opening.” This is where you’ll find me kicking and screaming and making a fuss over nothing. Or with my internet (still on dial-up) -- if it doesn’t connect me the first time around I’ll be more inclined to fuss and just give up than to try again. Although I can be hard working at the things I like -- I’m a horrible procrastinator and extremely lazy. If chores around the house need to be done, I won’t do them simply because I don’t enjoy the job or could care less. If I know the job will benefit me I’ll likely do it to the best of my ability, but sometimes not. The only reason I find myself hard working in school is because I have no choice. My future depends on it so I’m going to be the most intelligent and diligent person I can be in that situation.
In then end I feel I have traits of all the houses -- as I think everyone does, but I still feel there is another one out there better suited to me.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Be exact with your descriptions! An extremely difficult question to answer, but, more than likely I’d see myself with a college degree in what I hope to one day make my career -- a teacher, moved out of the city I reside in currently, family I enjoy spending time with and a comfortable home that has a balcony off the master bedroom. These are things I’ve always wanted, some child-hood fantasies, others, life choices. In the end I really would like a perfect life, no flaws, glitches, etc. with a well paying career; that’s what I would see.
What makes you unique? People often tell me it’s my passion that makes me unique. I have to agree. Once I find something I love, I’ll take hold and never let go. But I’m also unique because I don’t want to be the same. I will refuse to become a mere sheep in the flock. I often tend to gravitate towards the things people like least. I hate commonly played radio music, however I will tend to look toward things by that artist, which have not yet been made popular. In school I like the challenging classes. Even in the widely known Harry Potter world -- I shipped H/Hr. I have this tendency to go against people, it’s just something I do and like doing. I would prefer to be known for being different than not known at all for being the same. “Being normal isn’t necessarily a virtue.”
My interests are very much my own, I’m not often swayed by what other people say, I have strange beliefs (religious and others) unlike any other and I prefer it that way because I like to explain, argue and debate. I’ve been told I’m fairly adept with words and use them to the best of my ability even if I get ahead of myself.