(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 13:47

Name: Lina
Age: 19
House you were sorted into: Slytherin
Link to original application: http://www.livejournal.com/community/platform_934/161591.html#cutid1

Are there any questions you would like to elaborate on?

Ah yes, yes there are, but now the question is, how many questions am I going to elaborate on?
Okay, I’ll settle and only do two.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
One thing? Wow, I’ll really have to think about that. I could say that I’d really just like to be happy doing whatever I’m meant to, but that sounds incredibly cliché and thus I do not want to say it. Perhaps the better choice would be to say the other thing I’d like accomplish which is to travel to every country in the world (even the one’s where it is too dangerous for me to go).
What I meant by this answer is I just don’t want to set foot in every country and merely have a stamp in my passport, but that I want to spend time in each country, I want to get to know about the native people, the history, the culture. I want to see the world, to know the world, to experience it, because I know that living in America tends to give one an inflated idea of self importance and immunity and I want to see life from the eyes of people who haven’t had everything handed to them on a silver platter, who’s ideas and beliefs aren’t similar to mine. I believe that that is the greatest thing that could ever happen. I don’t care if I see the great monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Great Wall (which are both cool in their own), but I know that those things are still important to the whole experience. I want to see each country through the eyes of the people who live there and if I can help to better their lives while I’m there, then it just makes the whole experience better for everyone involved, because I don’t want me to be the only one getting something out of it. I want it to be an exchange of culture, ideas, and a symbiotic and beneficial relationship.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
My top five weaknesses would have to be the way that I am incredibly critical of others (especially if I think that they are not living up to their full potential), my short temper, my tendency to procrastinate, how I am occasionally self-centered, and my lack of faith in the dependability of others.
Okay, before I continue, I should that when I say that these are my “worst” qualities, by mean that others might frown upon them, but I think that they serve to make me a better person by helping to teach me that no person is without flaws. I know that these are my flaws. My flaws are pretty major. A lack of faith of others doesn’t mean that I don’t trust them, it just means that half of the time I think that it would be faster if I did the job instead of someone else. I believe that teamwork is a good thing, and I know that I need to work on it. I’m not an egotistical and narcissistic person, but sometimes, I have the tendency to think of things from my perspective before others, but I’m easily snapped out of that. However there’s no excuse for my procrastination. Seriously, it will be the death of me one day. I’m absolutely horrible about it, I push things to the absolute last minute and then rush to get things done and face no consequences. I do have a short temper, but I’m getting better, and I won’t take it out people who don’t deserve it. I usually take it out on myself or the teevee. Perhaps, the news. The government. It depends. My critical nature only comes out when I think that people can do better. I want everyone to be their best, but I won’t be mean just to be mean. I won’t put someone down for the hell of it. I’m too nice for that. And when I want someone to do better and critique them, I give them constructive criticism, because I want them to get better.

Explain why you feel misplaced in your current House!

Okay, I just want to say that I love and adore Slytherin and think that it’s cool that I got sorted into it in the first place. With that said, I just feel that I’m too outgoing, laid back, and bubbly for Slytherin. I mean, I am an active member and participate in multiple different community events and challenges, but I have a very bubbly and vibrant personality and I haven’t really bonded with anyone in my house, even though I’ve tried. Sure, it’s only been a month and I could give it more time, but I don’t think that I have a very similar personality to many of my housemates. True, I think that the more cynical and sarcastic aspects of my nature could get along just fine, but that’s only a very small fraction of my being. I’m loud, friendly, outgoing, like to laugh at stupid things and usually the one is prone to doing things before thinking them through. I don’t think before I speak and I don’t do what is best for everyone, I do what I feel is right, regardless of the consequences and nine times out of ten I pay the price for it. I’m opinionated, stubborn as all hell, I won’t tell someone something that isn’t true, but I’m a nice person, and I won’t say something to just be mean, because there’s too much meanness in the world to begin with. People nitpick and fight with each other everyday, and I don’t get how someone can do that as it just stresses out everyone around you. I’m incredibly laid back, and know that life is easier if just taken in stride. I accept everyone, and think that you can learn more from someone with whom you share more differences than similarities. Everyone’s different, it’s easier to just accept such things and revel, love, appreciate, and learn from the differences than to hate them. I know that Snakes are supposed to want the best of everything, but in all honesty, I couldn’t care less. I know that I have a lot of snake like traits, but there are several traits that I have that just plain contradict Slytherin. I’m bouncy. I have a smile constantly plastered across my face. I giggle. A lot. I’m sure, that it annoys a lot of people, but I love it. I make a lot of off-kilter, somewhat inappropriate comments, that their only purpose is to lighten the mood and to make people laugh, and sometimes I succeed.

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Be exact with your descriptions!

The thing is, to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. I’m nineteen years old, and I’m completely clueless. I have frivolous dreams and wishes that skim the surface every now and then, things like how it’d be cool to write a best selling fiction novel, or to be actress. Then there’s the wish of my childhood when I wanted my parents to get back together and be happy, which I know is completely wrong and awful thing to wish. There’s the wish of six months ago, where I wished that I could go to my aunt’s funeral when she died suddenly, and then there’s the wish that my childhood best friend had had the chance to grow up. But honestly, I don’t know what I’d see now. Whatever I saw, it’d be a complete shock. I know that I wouldn’t see myself having the storybook life, because I know that sometimes the greatest things come from the flaws. Maybe, if I had to really think about it, to wish really hard, to pick and choose and be stupid about it, I just want to be happy. No matter happens. To have people who love me in my life and to have graduated college and grad school (if I still want to go there) and perhaps be on the Daily Show (look I’ve gone moronic). But truth be told, I just want to be happy, the details don’t matter to me.

What makes you unique?

What makes me unique is my ability to be comfortable in a multitude of situations. A situation can be awkward and uncomfortable for all the participants, yet I will try and break the ice and work to make it better and more relaxing more everyone. I’m willing to trying new things and open to alternative points of view and so being in a new situation is just a means to learn more about the world around me and about other people. If someone is uncomfortable in such a place, I’ll crack (appropriate or innappropriate) jokes, ask questions, start games, do almost anything to get the flow going and try and get people interacting make sure that everyone is getting the most out of a situation. I know that life is what you make it and so I try to make the most out of it and get stay very relaxed in new places. Sometimes, I’m so laid back about new things, its obnoxious (seriously, I’ve been told to knock it off and get scared).

original house: slytherin, resorted: gryffindor

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