Title: Old lovers
Author: jinxed_wood
Claim: Methos/Amanda (friendship…in this one, anyway)
Prompt: Lovers
Rating: PG
Word count: 553
Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine…
Summary: Amanda has difficulty coping with Kate’s presence in Duncan’s life (post Endgame)
Old Lovers
The night air had become nippy, but Amanda didn’t want to go indoors. She was barely able to sit on the barge’s deck without her heart bleeding out, she didn’t think she could manage going below.
The dim sound of female laughter caught her ears, and she closed her eyes as Duncan’s voice joined in. This shouldn’t hurt so much, why did it hurt so much? “Because you were lovers, and maybe more than that, but never man and wife.” Amanda let out a harsh laugh; she was too old to be playing this part. Jealousy was for the young
Footsteps fell softly on the steps and Amanda tensed as Methos stepped onto the deck, a wine bottle and a glass in his hands. “More wine?”
Ruefully, Amanda looked down at the empty glass in her hand. “At least you didn’t ask me how I was feeling,” she said.
“Why did you come?” He said, filling her raised glass before replenishing his own. “He would have understood.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong,” Amanda said lightly. “He wouldn’t, I don’t he ever really did.”
“He still loves you.”
“But he isn’t in love with me, is he?” Methos shrugged, but said nothing. She didn’t blame him; it’s hard to refute the truth. “You’re going to think I’m a fool but I always thought…I thought we had something more,” she admitted
“You’ve both had other lovers, Amanda.”
“Other lovers, yes, but not…”
“Not wives,“ Methos finished for her, smiling to soften the words.
Amanda sighed, “He never mentioned her, you know. How can you not mention something like that…and one of us, too.”
Methos sighed. “It happens.”
“I always though that was why we never became something more, because we were both Immortals…. I guess I was wrong. I’m such an idiot.”
“If it’s any consolation, I don’t see what he sees in her,” Methos offered dryly. “The girl does nothing but whine all the time.”
“Ooh, bitchy.”
Methos grinned, “I have my moments.”
Amanda laughed softly. “You’d better go back down, they’ll be wondering where you’ve gone.”
“So let them wonder,” Methos drawled. “The company’s better up here, anyway.”
Amanda eyed the elder Immortal as he leaned against the railing. “Is that so?”
“Most definitely.”
”Why are you being so nice?” she asked as she leaned in beside him.
Methos threw her a sidelong glance. “Is that your way of saying that I’m usually not?”
“No,” she hesitated. “It’s just that you’re usually not so…oh, I don’t know.”
Methos grinned knowingly. “Let me guess, I’m not as irritating as I usually am?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“But you were thinking it.”
“I’m beginning to change my mind,” she muttered.
Methos gently nudged her shoulder with his, and Amanda glanced up from her glass. “Let’s just say that I may have an inkling as to what you’re going through,” he said, his face suddenly serious.
“Anybody I know?” she asked, surprised by his sudden openness.
He hesitated. “She’s not around anymore.”
Amanda studied his face and wondered, not for the first time, how many secrets he kept bottled up inside. “One of us?”
“I’m sorry, Methos.”
He smiled in answer, not bothering with words. “A toast,” he said eventually, raising his glass. “To old lovers.”
“To old lovers,” Amanda echoed, lifting her glass. “And good company.”
NEXT: The Dragon's Den