Fic: The Dragon's Den (prompt - Dragon)

Mar 31, 2007 00:47

Title: The Dragon's Den
Author: jinxed_wood
Claim: Methos/Amanda
Prompt: Dragon
Rating: PG13
Word count: 624
Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine…
Summary: Amanda learns a lesson about friendship....

The Dragon's Den

Try as she might Amanda couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when she stopped seeing Methos as Duncan’s friend. Was it when he agreed to help her steal the Methuselah stone and ended up taking a bullet for her, or when he agreed to help her stop Keane from killing Duncan?

Maybe it was neither, but some ephemeral instant in between.

Nevertheless, it had happened and, for better or for worse, he had become a part of her life. Methos was her friend; it was a simple as that.

Or as complicated, depending on the day.

He sat slumped on the couch in front of her, a beer bottle in his hand; his wet clothes and morose expression making him look like a drowned puppy who had just found out he had lost his tail. She sighed. “Do you want me to leave?”

“I didn’t want you to visit in the first place, remember?” he said, lifting the bottle to his lips.

“Joe was worried about you,” she said.

“Yes, well, Joe should mind his own business,” Methos muttered.

“I think, in Joe’s mind, you are his business,” Amanda said dryly, perching on the edge of the couch.

Methos eyed her over the rim of his bottle. “I thought you were leaving.”

“I changed my mind,” she said lightly, letting her shrug fall from her shoulders. “Why are you all wet? It isn’t raining outside.”

“I had a little disagreement with a water tower.”

Amanda leaned back into the couch beside him. “Care to tell me about it?”

Methos sighed. “Listen, Amanda, I know you mean well, but I’m not Mac. I don’t need someone to hold my hand afterwards.”

“So, you’re alright?”

“Just peachy.”

“Joe said he and you used to be friends.”

“Amanda, don’t.”

Amanda swallowed the comment on the edge of her tongue. Sometimes, trying to get him to open up was akin to tackling a Dragon in his lair. If she weren’t careful, she would end up getting burnt. Methos let his head fall back onto the couch, and Amanda reached out to touch the wet, spiked hair. Sighing, Methos closed his eyes and let her stroke the hair from his forehead..

“We were friends,” he said softly, “But I hadn’t seen him in some time, things change.”

“Did he tell you why?”

His eyes opened and caught hers, his gaze darkened with fatigue. “No, no reason. Sometimes there isn’t one.”

“But you were friends.”

“Friendships end, Amanda, you know that,” he said lowly, his hand capturing hers and stilling it.

Sighing, Amanda pulled her hand away. “Not all friendships.”

“How remarkably naïve of you.”

Amanda stiffened at the derisive tone in his voice. “What does that mean?”

“It doesn’t take much to change a friendship, Amanda, the wrong word, the wrong gesture, the wrong moment…and it can die a death so final, it can never be resurrected.”

“I don’t agree.”

“Want me to prove it to you?”

Amanda eyed him suspiciously, not liking the expression on his face. “I don’t like these kind of games, Methos.”

“Then lets stop playing,” he murmured softly, his eyes dropping to her lips as he leaned slowly forward.

Amanda swallowed. “Methos what are you-” His lips were soft, gentle, a mere trace of a kiss. It lasted just a moment, but it was enough. The contact broke, and Amanda’s eyes flickered open. “What was that for?” she whispered.

“That was me saying goodnight, Amanda,” he said gently, getting up from the couch. “You know your way out.”

Thoughtfully, Amanda bit her lip as she watched Methos retreat into his bedroom. She may not remember when Methos became her friend, but she did know it had changed.

NEXT: Candlelight

jinxed_wood, methos/amanda

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