I wear a horned helmet now. Horned helmets are cool.

May 16, 2011 04:19

Sigh, I need an intervention. Over the weekend I fell HARD for Journey Into Mystery (né Thor) of all things. Even when working at the comic shop back in high school, Thor was not one of the books I turned to when bored on the job. I was lured in few issues ago due to teeny!Loki-ness (see image under cut) and then the writer that came on with JiM ( Read more... )

loki: also god of internet trolling, comics everybody!, i have weird "problems"

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Comments 24

_unhurt_ May 16 2011, 08:47:30 UTC
your many, many problems aside - WHY ARE YOU NOT ASLEEP???


_unhurt_ May 16 2011, 17:36:57 UTC
p.s. i was googling "TINY LOKI" because of you, and now i am sad for mickey rourke because his old old old wee dog died in 2009. ahem.

... )


hieronymousmosh May 16 2011, 18:28:47 UTC
My work here is done.

eta: And hey, at least you're not googling "Biggles porn"?


_unhurt_ May 16 2011, 20:20:40 UTC
don't. make. me. write. rourke/loki.


catwalksalone May 16 2011, 09:11:22 UTC
LOL. That is the cutest! And also Loki is an internet troll! I have to show this to TB. Why is he at work? (Why aren't I? Oh, yeah, that.)

I love Thor's pissy face.



hieronymousmosh May 16 2011, 20:14:02 UTC
The panels before (and after, ohgod) are also cute! Thor's assuring Loki that eventually the Asgardians will accept... wait, how did you get Stark phone? - Even the suspicion is adorable, argh.

I went to bed! Hours later there was even sleep! (And currently there is cruel snickering at your icon.)


_unhurt_ May 16 2011, 20:22:22 UTC
(thank you for drawing my attention to said icon. HEHEHE!)


catwalksalone May 16 2011, 20:52:40 UTC

Twisted Toyfare Iron Man is my FAVOURITE. Especially when his costume fills up with pee and it comes out of his eyes. Hee.


keelieinblack May 16 2011, 11:19:51 UTC
Can't intervene on this one, sorry, because I too feel that Thor and kid!Loki are like an overload of complete adorableness. I mean, semi-unintentionally trolling the internet. Asking Thor when he got so old. "Stick of Great Stabbing." ♥♥♥!

Everyone who's reading this seems to be crossing their fingers and thinking "Stay good, little Loki!"--or, well, "stay on the good side of chaotic", at least--so maybe that'll get him to stick around for a while? Before it all ends in blood and tears and status quo like it always has to. *sad*


hieronymousmosh May 16 2011, 18:41:22 UTC
Loki's mini-quest in 622, with the "Gross!" incidents... how so adorable? Geez.

Yeah, I suspect that there's almost no way Marvel's going to keep him just chaotic instead of ~eeevil for long, but I would REALLY, REALLY like them to, please. Why can't the status quo be "fun" for once, Marvel? Dammit.


pollums May 16 2011, 16:03:09 UTC
Ooh I will pick this series up immediately


hieronymousmosh May 16 2011, 18:34:47 UTC
Hee. Oops? 616 is the issue where Thor first decides bringing Loki back would be an awesome idea, why is everyone looking at him like he's gone insane?


ifreet May 16 2011, 16:23:37 UTC
Oh my goodness, so adorable!


hieronymousmosh May 16 2011, 20:23:06 UTC
Much too adorable to be safe!


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