I wear a horned helmet now. Horned helmets are cool.

May 16, 2011 04:19

Sigh, I need an intervention. Over the weekend I fell HARD for Journey Into Mystery (né Thor) of all things. Even when working at the comic shop back in high school, Thor was not one of the books I turned to when bored on the job. I was lured in few issues ago due to teeny!Loki-ness (see image under cut) and then the writer that came on with JiM 622 is being amusing and ooh, that's not fair. Stupid teeny!Loki and your stupid writer.

...And it's all going to go to shit, you know. Because comics.

But yeah, for whatever reason, my brain has decided that Thor and reborn-now-a-teen Loki is the cutest thing to ever cute. Kid!fic and de-aging aren't even anywhere *near* the top of my list of narrative kinks! Reincarnation kind of is, but that's mostly for Saiyuki. So uh, thanks, Loki? Way to go?

loki: also god of internet trolling, comics everybody!, i have weird "problems"

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