01. RUN FOR COVER!! My roommates are cleaning the apartment. Clearly the apocalypse will be here any minute. I just can't decide if I want it to come before or after the three of us go see Twilight tomorrow
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FNL was awesome this week. I agree with you that Jason's send-off wasn't as compelling as Smash's was this season, but when you're sending away two beloved characters, it's probably difficult for the writers to come up with a legitimate reason why Jason would leave Dillon for NJ and an entry level in NYC. Still, I thought it was a great scene, totally true to character and you're right, Riggins' expression was priceless, I started tearing up when Erin placed their son in Jason's arms. I'm a sucker for those kinds of scenes.
I also love that Matt and Julie are back together and that it's not a big deal. They're so great together!
That's exactly my thoughts on it and, though I'm sad that I will no longer get a weekly Porter fix, I'm glad that he got everything he wanted and it all worked out for him. After the last three years he's had, he deserves it. And we all know he'll go on to even bigger and better things.
I know, right!? Papa!Jason is such a cutie. And Tim's final expression still breaks my heart.
I love my public library because they have *almost* all movies and television seasons and if my branch doesn't have it, I can just reserve it! So I pretty much never rent movies anymore. :) But your library does sound like 298349 times more awesome than my dinky library branch! :D Oh libraries. I love them. Hehe.
GAH, yes, Tyra is definitely being stupid! I am angry at her. And I LOVE that Matt/Julie is back! YAYNESS. They are so cute. I like how this time they aren't awkward, too. They've really grown.
Dude, that's awesome! Mine apparently has a bunch of stuff like that, especially movies, but I haven't checked out that section yet. I need to do that. I usually use my Netflix for that because they have everything ever and it saves me from buying way too many television boxsets lol.
She so is! It makes me angry. If she has to be with him for him to not cheat on her, then they can never work long term. He obviously doesn't love her like she deserves to be loved. Not like Landry did... *cough cough* I'm so glad the whole thing is ready to backfire in her face during the next episode.
Exactly! I love that they're not how they used to be. I think they'll work a lot better this time around because they've both grown and they both know what they want from each other. The two of them just make me happy!
Comments 15
I also love that Matt and Julie are back together and that it's not a big deal. They're so great together!
I know, right!? Papa!Jason is such a cutie. And Tim's final expression still breaks my heart.
Matt and Julie make me happy like whoa. *nods*
GAH, yes, Tyra is definitely being stupid! I am angry at her. And I LOVE that Matt/Julie is back! YAYNESS. They are so cute. I like how this time they aren't awkward, too. They've really grown.
She so is! It makes me angry. If she has to be with him for him to not cheat on her, then they can never work long term. He obviously doesn't love her like she deserves to be loved. Not like Landry did... *cough cough* I'm so glad the whole thing is ready to backfire in her face during the next episode.
Exactly! I love that they're not how they used to be. I think they'll work a lot better this time around because they've both grown and they both know what they want from each other. The two of them just make me happy!
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