Title: Matt and Mohinder: The Adventures of Parenthood. Episode Two: Bra Shopping
hiddenfantasyRating: PG
Summary: Matt and Mohinder take Molly shopping for her very first bra.
Notes: I can't help it, I love torturing all three of them. Written for
slytherin_face 'cause she's having a bad day. Many thanks to
mosaic and
worri for giving me the bunnies!
Disclaimer: I don't own
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Comments 61
Can't wait for next chapter. Are they going to give Molly the full version? Just boy/girl or all the variations? Either way it's gong to be painful.
"OK, but what is it that you guys do? Cause you're not making babies."
Oh yeah. Molly's going to get the whole speech. It's going to be painful but funny as hell. :D
I'm almost scared to see what the 'birds and the bees' conversation is going to look like. O_O
Don't be scared! I'll be funny, I promise!
and his need for a bro (gotta love Seinfeld for that term).
I spied no spelling or grammatical errors, fyi, making this a well rounded and truly enjoyable read!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I generally look over my fics a few times before posting, just so I can catch anything. Being a former English major, I'm kind of anal about that. XD
And don't feel bad, I'm almost OCD about grammar and spelling. Its kind of a good thing when writing fan fiction...
Thanks for taking a look, though, and checking things over!
I love your Molly.
Secondly, OMG, your mood theme is made of win and awesome. Who made it, where can I find it, am I allowed to use it? 'No' is an acceptable answer but I will have to stare at yours to make up for it XD
Thank you! I'm glad you like my Molly.
lidi made the moodtheme. And it can be found here!
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