
Jan 21, 2011 10:08

You know what, school?

It's two degrees out. Before windchill. With the sun out and shining.

Call a fucking snow day. This isn't funny anymore.

college, diediedie and die some more

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Comments 28

prinnytern January 21 2011, 15:13:54 UTC
Winter sucks.


hickumu January 21 2011, 15:15:05 UTC
I am seriously beginning to agree with you. It is too cold to snow, so what the hell is the point?


prinnytern January 21 2011, 15:18:24 UTC

you can have my snow


hickumu January 21 2011, 15:33:38 UTC
Oh, we have plenty of snow. It was WARM enough to snow yesterday.

And now it's two degrees.


telaryn January 21 2011, 15:19:46 UTC
Honey, I love you, but you don't even want to know how cold it has to get before they call a snow day.

Lots of hot food and drink today, okay?


hickumu January 21 2011, 15:20:49 UTC
Actually, I do. Because it might just get there.

Do my best on the hot food and drinks part. Hopefully, there will be gumbo.


Remember, you asked... telaryn January 21 2011, 15:32:25 UTC
They cancelled classes for weather a couple of days at Northwestern the year before I started.

The wind chill was between sixty and eighty degrees below zero.


I did ask. hickumu January 21 2011, 15:33:00 UTC


fairytaledreams January 21 2011, 15:40:48 UTC
Welcome to college. Snow days don't exist.


hickumu January 21 2011, 15:42:36 UTC
I know, I do, thanks to Mom and her time in Chicago. And I know I really shouldn't be complaining, but goddammit even the natives are miserable. Plus, I only just realized that I don't actually know how long winter is supposed to last. In Florida, it just vacillates between thirty and fifty degrees for X amount of weeks before suddenly it's back in the eighties.


fairytaledreams January 22 2011, 01:00:00 UTC
i'm not sure how it is for where you are, but here our snow is generally Jan-March, with cold temps through early April. Of course, to me cold is anything below 60 lol


hickumu January 22 2011, 15:41:56 UTC
Well, this is my first winter up here, but everyone's been telling me that February will be hell.

Down in Florida, "cold" generally lasts to mid-March, with occasional off days until April.


polycistronic January 21 2011, 18:17:27 UTC
Snow days actually exist in SC the only good thing about this state. First chance of snow and everything shuts down, it's pretty hysterical. But seriously that's ridiculous do they really expect people to walk to classes in that? Light stuff on fire that'll fix everything!


hickumu January 21 2011, 22:38:46 UTC
As a matter of fact, yes, they do. Well, the teachers were nice about it, at least, and very sympathetic. Probably because more than a few kids were seriously considering lighting something on fire.

Snow days exist up here, as well - a couple of weeks ago, I counted about thirty different elementary, middle, and high schools that got shut down. But, no. College kids don't get that lucky.

As a Florida native, I feel deprived.


polycistronic January 21 2011, 23:52:09 UTC
I would have lit something on fire. Hell I kinda want to do that right now and it's not even that cold out.

Oh well I guess Coastal is just slacking because we get snow days all the time. Aw don't feel deprived! Cold isn't that good anyway!


hickumu January 22 2011, 15:40:58 UTC
Well, I'm digging snow. Cold and snow is actually pretty nice. I love walking to class when the sun still hasn't come up and the snow is falling - everything is just gorgeous!


Pssst... telaryn January 22 2011, 20:58:44 UTC

... )


Re: Pssst... hickumu January 22 2011, 21:01:58 UTC
I resubmitted my application just this morning.

And Timmothy Hutton is not my type! I am a hacker, dammit XD! Or will be, soon as the mods accept me.


Re: Pssst... telaryn January 22 2011, 21:11:30 UTC
*laugh* I know, honey. When you are accepted, please go ahead and tell Sourpony that I referred you. It might actually get me the bonus afterall.



Re: Pssst... hickumu January 22 2011, 21:37:25 UTC
*smooch* Will do. Sorry for the mocking on my behalf.


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