
Jan 21, 2011 10:08

You know what, school?

It's two degrees out. Before windchill. With the sun out and shining.

Call a fucking snow day. This isn't funny anymore.

college, diediedie and die some more

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polycistronic January 21 2011, 18:17:27 UTC
Snow days actually exist in SC the only good thing about this state. First chance of snow and everything shuts down, it's pretty hysterical. But seriously that's ridiculous do they really expect people to walk to classes in that? Light stuff on fire that'll fix everything!


hickumu January 21 2011, 22:38:46 UTC
As a matter of fact, yes, they do. Well, the teachers were nice about it, at least, and very sympathetic. Probably because more than a few kids were seriously considering lighting something on fire.

Snow days exist up here, as well - a couple of weeks ago, I counted about thirty different elementary, middle, and high schools that got shut down. But, no. College kids don't get that lucky.

As a Florida native, I feel deprived.


polycistronic January 21 2011, 23:52:09 UTC
I would have lit something on fire. Hell I kinda want to do that right now and it's not even that cold out.

Oh well I guess Coastal is just slacking because we get snow days all the time. Aw don't feel deprived! Cold isn't that good anyway!


hickumu January 22 2011, 15:40:58 UTC
Well, I'm digging snow. Cold and snow is actually pretty nice. I love walking to class when the sun still hasn't come up and the snow is falling - everything is just gorgeous!


polycistronic January 22 2011, 18:45:21 UTC
Ohh that sounds pretty. Too bad you don't have a camera on you. I'd love to see some pictures~


hickumu January 22 2011, 19:00:02 UTC
Well, I do have my camera phone. It's just hard getting good pictures of snow, especially at night, with a camera phone.


polycistronic January 22 2011, 20:32:34 UTC
Oh yeah I can see that. Camera phones kinda fail like that. >:


hickumu January 22 2011, 20:55:23 UTC
But they're easier to keep track of than actual cameras. I have had many, many issues on that front T_T. Especially at conventions.


polycistronic January 22 2011, 21:54:59 UTC
I totally know how you feel. Back in '05 when I went to England I lost my camera for a few days, I missed taking pictures of such nice stuff. But the camera I have now is way too expensive to be that careless so I'm just like...extra cautious when handling it.


hickumu January 22 2011, 22:20:21 UTC
Mom got a new camera for work that is, like, the fanciest thing ever. It has options out the wazoo. And nobody touches it but her. Even the old digital camera I take to cons, the one where we usually forget the memory card half the time, it's a serious cause for concern if I even bend down with it around my neck.

Cameras are serious business. And even if I am a bit of a shutterbug, I am not that serious.


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