Ficlet challenge #134: Distractions

May 22, 2018 09:59

Title: Distractions
Summary: Nagini offers a suggestion for a conundrum that the Dark Trio (Voldemort, Quirinus, and Nagini) are pondering. Inspired by the prompt “bowtruckle”. Set in a more fleshed out backstory of Quirinus Quirrell, which can be found on FFnet.
Characters/Pairings: Quirinus Quirrell, Nagini, Voldemort
Genre: General, Humor
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character: quirinus quirrell, *challenge, character: voldemort/tom riddle, genre: humor, creator: jalenstrix, rating: g, genre: gen, *tumblr allowed, form: ficlet, character: nagini

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jalenstrix May 28 2018, 01:23:38 UTC
Hee hee hee - so glad you enjoyed it! I’ve been having a grand time with Quirinus’s backstory ever since it occurred to me to inject humor into it. ;)


mmailliw June 28 2018, 04:21:59 UTC
Your Quirinus is always a fun read! (Fun fact: I RP’d as him once for an HiH activity, overdid the stutter, and got him appealed into Slytherin ;))


jalenstrix June 28 2018, 04:35:32 UTC
Thank you!! Also, fabulous about the Slytherin re-sort for your RPed Quirinus. He’d definitely do just fine there, IMHO. :D


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