January 1.0 // How did I get here?

Jan 07, 2017 23:12

Title: Sorry Moony
Summary: Normally Moony was safe from his friends' pranking. Normally, he would be taking it easy after his full-moon transformation and trying to heal whatever pains the wolf had left behind. Today wasn't normal though, and Remus was unconscious.
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Petter Pettigrew
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creator: teagues_veil, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, genre: gen, *tumblr allowed, rating: pg, form: ficlet, character: peter pettigrew, !saturday special, character: james potter

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Comments 6

fizzbuzz January 8 2017, 10:18:55 UTC
Oooh! Loved this! I want to know what happens next


teagues_veil January 9 2017, 14:31:04 UTC
Thank you! <3


katshakespeare January 15 2017, 23:28:37 UTC
Loved this, too!


teagues_veil January 17 2017, 15:44:27 UTC
Thank you! :)


erinm_4600 November 26 2017, 18:09:08 UTC
I am intrigued! What happened to him? Who is speaking?

Nicely done <3


teagues_veil December 2 2017, 04:38:34 UTC
Thank you! <3


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