January 1.0 // How did I get here?

Jan 07, 2017 23:12

Title: Sorry Moony
Summary: Normally Moony was safe from his friends' pranking. Normally, he would be taking it easy after his full-moon transformation and trying to heal whatever pains the wolf had left behind. Today wasn't normal though, and Remus was unconscious.
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Petter Pettigrew
Genre: gen
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: none
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 559
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: n/a

They hadn't intended to actually harm Remus. Of course none of the Marauders would intentionally injure a friend, but even more then that, this was Remus they were talking about. Even now, even though they all were intimately aware of the fact that each month their very own Moony turned into a predatory killing machine, there was still something about him so irrevocably fragile. He had always been a little on the lanky side and most of his bones protruded outwards from his body sharply enough that it practically appeared painful. He was normally the shyest of the foursome and he practically never raised his voice. James and Sirius tried to leave the werewolf out of their more dangerous pranking schemes altogether and they very rarely attempted to pull one over on Remus himself. Hide a potion essay that was due the next morning, perhaps, but not anything overly physical or aggressive. Poor Peter, on the other hand, he was fair game (as a memorable evening spent between the three of them and the Giant Squid could attest to). Remus though, Remus was their conscience, their pragmatic center. He kept them grounded. If left to their own devices, James and Sirius could easily land themselves in some sticky situations. Keeping Remus Lupin out of trouble was in their best interest, quite honestly.

Peter had dashed off to get Professor Slughorn about ten minutes ago, and at first, James and Sirius just argued over who was at fault. One of them had somehow managed to swap Remus' post-transformation potion with an experimental potion meant to be used as a gag against Snivellus. They had hoped it would cause Snape's hair to fall out but they had been months away from ready to test the blasted thing. Eventually the boys couldn't help but lose their ire though, staring at Remus' prone form, out cold on the marble floor. His face was an ashen gray hue, just like it had been since he had taken a swig of their potion. He looked about as solid as Nearly Headless Nick.

They had kept meticulous notes while brewing the potion, detailing all the ingredients that had been put in it and which were potentially dangerous. Nothing should have had this effect! As soon as Remus had swallowed a mouthful of the potion, his eyes had bulged and he had crashed to the floor seizing. That had lasted only a minute or so before he had just... passed out. They had attempted to get him to the hospital wing, but had barely left Gryffindor Tower before the unconscious Moony had started seizing horribly a second time. Moving him seemed ill-advised after that.

“Do you think he's ever going to forgive us?” James asked around the fingernail he was chewing to shreds.

“If he ever wakes up,” Sirius responded morosely.

James shoved him. “Pads, he's going to wake up. He's still breathing. He's not dead.”

Sirius just looked at him darkly, gaze combative. Before either boy could pursue the unspoken challenge, the sound of rasping coughs interrupted them.

Remus rolled to all fours, hacking up a lung but very much alive.

“Remus we didn't mean -”

“Moony, we're sorry, are you-”

Remus cut them both off in a tone of voice that barely sounded human. “How. Did. I. Get. Here?”

⇨ 19 points for Gryffindor! ⇦

creator: teagues_veil, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, genre: gen, *tumblr allowed, rating: pg, form: ficlet, character: peter pettigrew, !saturday special, character: james potter

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