Gift for Jalen from Avi

Jul 27, 2015 06:58

To: Jalen/jalenstrix
From: Avi/flyingharmony
Title: Survive
Summary: All is well, they say. Now that He has been defeated, now that the normalcy of a life without darkness has come upon us once more, all is well.
Characters/Pairings Lucius/Narcissa
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 801

the war is over )

!special term event, creator: flyingharmony, character: narcissa black-malfoy, rating: pg-13, form: fic

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Comments 2

jalenstrix July 27 2015, 14:40:34 UTC
Eeee, I love the Lady MacBeth-esque repetition in this! Also, this exact moment is a brilliant reminder that things don't magically get better once a conflict is resolved. (Particularly for the Malfoys, of course, but it's probably true of all the participants -- the horrors they've lived through don't just disappear from their minds and building a new world can be an arduous process.)

Thank you!!!! :D


cyn_ful August 3 2015, 04:48:13 UTC
Love it. Love the pain in it. Love the darkness.


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