Gift for Jalen from Avi

Jul 27, 2015 06:58

To: Jalen/jalenstrix
From: Avi/flyingharmony
Title: Survive
Summary: All is well, they say. Now that He has been defeated, now that the normalcy of a life without darkness has come upon us once more, all is well.
Characters/Pairings Lucius/Narcissa
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 801

The war is over.

The war is over and we have survived, the three of us, my family. What a word, family. It has changed its meaning so much for me, in so little time.

The sunlight burns in my eyes as I wake, turning my head towards my husband beside me, his quiet snores giving me peace, a sense of security. How lucky we are to be together still, through all of these years, to love one another as fiercely as the very first day, and to know that nothing will ever be capable of tearing us apart.

It is hard for me, at times, to look into his eyes, as they have lost their shine, most of their expression. But so have mine.

We have been through such darkness, such times of despair, such horrors that others would not dare to imagine, yet for us they were nothing but the simple realities of everyday life.

All is well, they say. Now that He has been defeated, now that the normalcy of a life without darkness has come upon us once more, all is well. All is well, they say, but how can it be well, when what we have seen, experienced, done...will be forever burned into our memories. How can it be well, if we will never be the same?

Every room in our grand manor has been stained, keeps the memories of His presence, His mastery over my husband and our son. Draco... I fear for him still. All is well, they say, but after what he has been made witness to... I worry for my son. I worry for us all.

There is blood on our hands. Still in the darkness, still in the midst of midnight hours I dream, dream of blood upon our hands. So many dead or wounded, so many changed...and I was part of that, no matter how steadfastly I sought merely to keep hold upon my family, no matter how strong I tried to be. There is blood on my hands, still.

My own sister, lost to me now, was made of darkness, was lost to the allure of blood and destruction. She paid for that darkness... I have no sisters now.

But I have Lucius, my husband, who is haunted still by his dark deeds, but who remains, stays by my side through these long and weary days, days without war but with memories. All is well, they say. We have so far to go.

Lucius. I love him and he loves me, we have always adored one another and stayed by each other's side, even in times of deepest darkness. In the darkest hour, in the lowest moment, they would have wished for me to abandon him, to leave my husband and take my son away from his father. Away, they said, away from such turmoil, and we would both be safe. We would be safe... but we would be without our Lucius.

There was never any question in my mind of what I would do. Never could I leave him, never could I abandon the man who I adored beyond all measure, who in needed by my side at every moment, who needed me exactly as much. We were each other's love and safety. My sister...both of my sisters had no chance at such love, had not the intensity and comfort of my relationship with Lucius. We are everything for one another. In all times of darkness I would remain beside him. Despite any poor choices he would make.

But we are beyond the times of poor choices now. We survived the three of us, and now we must find the strength to recover, to stand tall and brave the days of remembering. We will recover...we know not when, but I am certain that we will. After all we have been through... all I have sacrificed for my family... I could survive anything, with Lucius by my side.

It seems so difficult. It seems so difficult to stand tall, to look at those who in the times of war desired nothing more but to see us fall with our heads held high, and to smile. It seems so difficult to survive. Even the thought feels as though it is a sin and yet it is the truth; nothing but the truth.

All of us were injured in those years of war, not physically but mentally, all of us were broken, perhaps irreparably. And yet I am still grateful, as how could I not be, knowing my family safe, knowing that they have not been harmed, knowing that we would be together, as only this is what matters, truly? I am grateful beyond belief and I know that one day, after months, perhaps years, it will be all right. Everything will be all right.

The war is over.

Avi//Hufflepuff//27 Points

!special term event, creator: flyingharmony, character: narcissa black-malfoy, rating: pg-13, form: fic

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