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Comments 8

ohmynostalgia June 1 2012, 19:56:47 UTC
This was awesome, I loved every second of it! Doctor Who/Supernatural crossovers make me happy, especially fix-its! The character voices were great, I could hear everyone just like they sound. Love it!


hezio2 June 2 2012, 12:10:32 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. If anyone can 'fix' the apocalypse it's the Doctor!


operationhades June 1 2012, 20:09:21 UTC
That last line - priceless! Loved this story, even though I don't really like Doctor Who too much (I just can't get into it, I don't know why). But Chuck writing about them in the end? I can definitely see that happening. Loved it!


hezio2 June 2 2012, 12:11:48 UTC
:D Thanks for reading especially since you're not into Doctor Who. I'm really glad you liked it.
your icon makes me giggle


greeniron June 1 2012, 23:53:28 UTC
Very cute! And it's always nice to see Sam, Dean, and Cas a little less devastated.


hezio2 June 2 2012, 12:13:10 UTC
Thanks for reading. Team free will has enough angst on the show, they don't need more in my silly fics, that's for sure.


ramblin_rosie June 2 2012, 02:14:13 UTC
This was a HOOT! I laughed out loud several times, and of course it's good to see a happier ending for all involved. Great job! :D


hezio2 June 2 2012, 12:14:15 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it.


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