Amy, an Angel, and Averting the Apocalypse part three

May 10, 2012 21:28

In the morning, the Doctor and 2014Dean were huddled together over a table. Amy drank some tea that Chuck had nicely provided for her and watched them with a suspicious eye. When she saw 2009Dean watching them also, she cautiously approached him. "What do you think that's about?"

Dean's eyes narrowed. "I was wondering the same thing." He shifted his shoulders uncomfortably. "If I know me, and I do, I'd think he was trying to convince your friend that he's me. That way he goes back and I'm stuck here."

Amy shook her head. "No, the Doctor can tell you apart, hell, I can tell you apart," she said looking at him. Before Amy could say more, the Doctor called Dean over.

"Dean, Dean and I were talking," the Doctor indicated that Dean should sit with them, "and we think you two should switch jackets."

The Dean from 2009 didn't like the idea. It practically confirmed that his older self was trying to trade places with him. "Why?"

2014Dean read his distrustful expression. "Because Zack is one self-absorbed douche-bag. If he returns before you guys set things right, I might be able to confuse him a little."

Dean thought about it for a second. "Sounds reasonable." He patted his pockets to make sure they were empty, and then exchanged the jacket for the one his other version was wearing. He immediately felt the weight in one pocket, but the expression on his 2014 face told him it was meant to be there.


After the Doctor reviewed his plan for Amy and 2009Dean, Dean rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay, let me get this straight. We're going to 2009, we're going to pick up Sam and Cas; next we're going back to 2008 to see Chuck and then we're going to May 2nd."

The Doctor ticked off the itinerary on his fingers as Dean spoke. "That about sums it up, yes."

"Sounds like a cake walk." Dean rolled his eyes. "What happens if Zach shows up here while we're gone?"

The Doctor shrugged, "Don't care. We won't be here to find out." He saw Dean look around the camp at the people he was leaving there and knew he needed to say more. "Dean, this Zachariah isn't the first angel I've dealt with. By the time he comes back here to fetch you, we should have everything sorted and he won't need to come here."

Dean nodded, though he still looked confused. "Right. Because it's a 'timey whimey ball' of whatever."

The Doctor grinned. "Now you're getting it!"

Amy, the Doctor and Dean left the camp and crossed the field to bright blue police box that made Dean wonder how he hadn't noticed it earlier.

"Wait! That's your time machine?" Dean asked in astonishment at the rather small call box.

"This, Mr. Winchester, is the TARDIS," the Doctor corrected with affection for the device evident in his tone.

"I was hoping for something a little more DeLoeran and a lot less Bill and Ted," Dean mumbled upon seeing exactly how small TARDIS appeared.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked.

"Nothing. Just, tight quarters is all." He gave the blue box a once over. "This is crazy." He dragged a hand over his head. He hadn't thought the plan could work, but to learn that the plan came from two people who lived in a phone booth was a little too much.

Amy seemed to sense what Dean was feeling. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It takes some getting used to. When I first met him, I was a little girl and I thought he was my imaginary friend."

"I am not imaginary, I'm a mad man with a box," the Doctor replied, looking the tiniest bit confused and insulted, but Amy stepped up to the defense first.

Gently rubbing her hand along the side of the TARDIS, Amy said, "You may not think she's as nice as your baby, but wait 'til you get a load of the inside."

Dean cocked a brow muttering, "It'll be damn cozy."

The Doctor unlocked the door and held it open for his guest. "Come on, everybody in."

Dean took his first step inside. "Holy..." his voice filled with awe, "How the hell?" He looked around nearly stumbling down the steps. "It's - it's a hell of a lot bigger on the inside."

The Doctor grinned and turned to Amy. "I love it when they say that."

"I know."

"How is this possible?" Dean asked the Doctor.

"How is anything possible? It just is," he replied. The Doctor nearly skipped to the control panel. "Now, Mr. Winchester, if I could have your phone for a moment."

Garber, Oklahoma 2009

Sam Winchester thought himself lucky that Lindsey hadn't called the police. He wasn't exactly welcome back at the diner, but since he had saved her life, Lindsey was giving him time to leave town. He had hoped Dean would have had more of a reaction to learning that his baby brother was Lucifer's vessel, but Dean wanted to keep his distance - "separate hemispheres" if possible.

Well, Sam thought, if Dean was going to do nothing about Lucifer, then he would. Not knowing where to start, Sam found himself looking through the Gideon Bible left in the bedside drawer. He had just finished the first chapter of Revelations when there was a knock at his door. "Candy-gram," a voice announced.

Sam drew his gun and silently made his way to the door.

"Land shark."

At the greeting, Sam peeked through the peep hole shocked to see Dean with a girl on the other side.

"Dean?" Sam asked opening the door, gaping at his brother and the giggling girl holding his hand.

"Dude, grab your stuff. We're out of here," Dean ordered.

Sam, though, didn't stop gaping. "Dean, how'd you...? Weren't you just in Kansas?" He did begin to pack his few belongings.

Amy tugged on Dean's sleeve and cleared her throat to remind him of her presence. "Yeah, long story. But more importantly, Sam this is Amy, Amy, my brother Sam."

Amy shook Sam's hand. "Well, I must say, Chuck was much more accurate with your description. You are indeed ginormous," Amy said making Dean laugh.

Sam huffed and his actions halted. "Chuck? Dean, what is going on?"

"Sammy, Amy and her friend are going to help us stop the apocalypse. Now, get the lead out. We still have to pick up Cas."

Sam threw his brother irritated glances but kept packing.

"I think your brother is being vague on purpose, Sam, but he's not lying. My friend -- the Doctor and I are going to help you sort all this mess."


In the parking lot, Sam immediately looked for the Impala, though he found himself following Dean to what looked like a police call box from England. "Dean? Where's the car?"

"Sammy, where we're going we don't need wheels."

Just as Sam was sure his brother had gone completely insane, Amy opened the door to the TARDIS. Dean grinned at the awed expression on his brother's face. "You were thinking Keanu and that little blonde guy were inside, right? Dude, this thing even has a swimming pool."

Sam gaped like a fish on dry land for a minute before he managed to utter, "How?"

Completely ignoring his question, the Doctor, rubbing his hands together, said cheerfully, "Good, everyone's here. Nice to meet you, Mr. Winchester the younger. Everybody strap in, we're off to snatch ourselves an angel."

Seeing his brother's question, Dean said, "The Doctor used my cell phone to find your coordinates. He did the same thing to find Cas." Though he was still awestruck, Sam nodded his understanding.

"I don't understand why you are so sure he will still be there," Amy said. "It's the middle of the night. It makes sense that Sam would be at his hotel, but why would Cas still be on the side of a road?"

Dean shrugged, "You don't know Cas." He saw Amy about to argue that she had indeed met Cas, so he added, "You know hippy Cas. This Cas, totally different."

"Hippy Cas?" Sam asked.

Dean looked at brother. "Zach 'angel-ed' me back to the future. It wasn't good, man."

Sam nodded again and looked around. "And this? All this? You realize you are going to have to tell me what's going on, right?"

Dean ceded the answering of that question to Amy. The girl looked from one brother to the other and suddenly didn't look as confident as she had a moment earlier. "Well, you know those books?" she asked in a quiet voice. Sam's brow wrinkled as if he didn't know which books she meant. "I didn't like how they ended. So, the Doctor and I are changing it."

Sam looked at his brother. "Seriously? One of Chuck's fans is going to stop the apocalypse?"

Amy, the Doctor, and even Dean looked insulted at the insinuation that they lacked the ability to set right what had so far been impossible for the Winchesters.

"Do you even see what is all around you?" Amy demanded. "You're in a police call box that can travel through time and space! It's infinitely bigger on the inside than is possible from the outside. And you actually think we can't sort your silly apocalypse mess?"

Sam shuffled back, stunned by Amy's outburst. "Sorry," Sam said meekly. "I'm just, uh, surprised? I guess. I mean, you're not angels or demons. What are you guys?"

Amy fixed him with a glare. "I'm not a what. I'm a girl, from Leadworth."

"And I am a Time Lord from Gallifrey," the Doctor said with a slight bow from his place at the controls.

Sam looked both duly reprimanded and shocked, but Dean clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, their plan sounds pretty good." Sam took a deep breath and Dean knew he was beginning to relax. "Come on, Sammy, look how freakin' cool this stuff is."

"It's definitely awesome." Sam smiled weakly. "So, what is the plan?"

"First, we need to get Cas."

Castiel stood on the side of the road, in the dark, and waited. Dean had said he needed rest and that he shouldn't be bothered, so the angel patiently waited for the first signs of dawn. But, instead of birds chirping he heard a strange whirring sound. He cocked his head with mild curiosity as a TARDIS landed a few feet from him.

A moment later, the doors opened and Dean Winchester reached out, grabbed the lapels of Castiel's trench coat and pulled the angel aboard.

The angel didn't register his surprise the same way the Winchesters had. "This is most unexpected." He nodded to Sam. "Sam, it's good to see you."

"Yeah, you too, Cas."

Amy looked Castiel over from the relative safety of the Doctor's side. "He still doesn't look much like an angel."

"Oh, Castiel is very much an angel, Miss Pond," the Doctor assured her.

Dean coughed, "Uh, Cas, this is Amy and -"

"A Gallifreyan," Castiel finished for him and bowed his head slightly.

The Doctor smiled wryly and quirked his brow. "Angel," he said with a slight bow.

"This is an honor, sir, but may I ask why are you interfering with this course of events?" Castiel asked with his usual lack of emotion.

"Why wouldn't he want to stop the apocalypse?" Dean asked.

The angel turned to Dean. "I'm not asking why he wouldn't; I'm asking if he should." Castiel faced the Doctor. "Is this something you should change? Wouldn't it be more beneficial if the Winchesters found their own way?"

"'Find their own way'?" the Doctor asked in a voice tinged with anger. "When angels like you are playing with his time line, sending him to set points in time, to things he cannot change, you call that 'finding his own way'? Sending him into a future so bleak he'll give in and say 'yes' to Michael? Is that' finding his own way'? Would you rather I let this planet die?"

Castiel gave no response.

"Dean," the Doctor whirled about to face the hunter, "would you like me to stop you from going to hell?"


"There. He found his own way, happy?" the Doctor demanded of the angel.

"No, but I find your answer is sufficient," Castiel replied. Then he asked Dean, "You went into the future?"

"Zachariah zapped me to 2014 so I could see what happens if I keep saying 'no' to Michael."

"What happens?" Sam asked.

"You don't want to know," Dean replied.

The Doctor seemed to have lost some of his ire as he turned to Sam. "Dean's right, Sam, you don't want to know about that future. But, what Zachariah didn't count on was a time lord and his charming companion dropping in on his little game. We've decided to change the rules and move some game pieces ourselves."

Hoping that some of the tension had left the room, Amy asked, "What's next Doctor?"

The Doctor stared at her a minute as he let his temper cool. "Next," he muttered to himself as he thought. "Yes, next." He returned to his control panel and spun a dial. "Time can be rewritten; however, you must choose the correct point in time."

"Midnight, May 2, 2008," Amy reminded him.

Sam sucked in a breath and looked at Dean. "When you go to hell? Dean, I don't think I can watch that again."

"You won't have to Sam," the Doctor assured him. "Castiel, I need you to help me locate the day Chuck Shurley pens that event."

"Of course."

As Castiel stepped onto the control platform, Amy cautiously backed away. However, the Doctor spoke to her, "Amy, Castiel will not harm you, I promise."

"Sorry, just, you know, angel and all."

Castiel did his best to look at her compassionately. "I assure you, I am not like my brethren."

Amy nodded, but didn't look too convinced. "Oh, I'm sure you're not. You're not made of stone after all."

"You've met the weeping angels and survived." It wasn't a question and the angel's expression changed slightly. "Very impressive."

The Doctor smiled to himself as Amy said, "Well, they were no match for the Doctor."

"Of course they weren't. They were foolish to attempt an offensive maneuver against someone with his vast knowledge."

"Weeping angels?" Sam asked as his curiosity got the best of him.

"The weeping angels are fierce warriors," Castiel began.

"The deadliest, most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced," the Doctor added.

Sam and Dean exchanged slightly concerned looks. "With the way we've been pissing off angels, what are the chances they'll be sending those after us next?" Dean asked.

Before the Doctor could answer, Sam asked, "Yeah. How do we stop them?"

"Run, keep running and don't blink," Amy said.

The Doctor found her answer amusing, but felt he should reassure them. "Winchesters, if the all goes as planned, there will be no need to send other angels, weeping or not, after you."

"Miss Pond, I apologize for my brethren. They are very isolated from the rest of the heavenly host. They have little memory of their true grace," Castiel said in what he hoped was a sympathetic tone. Turning to the doctor he said, "January 24th, 2008. That is the day the prophet wrote those pages."

Sam approached the Doctor and said, "Excuse me, but what exactly is your plan? Chuck can't just write whatever he wants. Isn't he supposed to have divine inspiration?"

"Right you are Mr. Winchester and he shall have it," The Doctor said with a sly grin. "Your friend, Castiel and my friend, Amy are going to inspire him to rewrite history. Then of course, we have to do that actual re-enacting of history."

"Okay, but how exactly?" Sam asked.

"Cas and Amy are going to Chuck's place and Cas will prove he's an angel. Amy's going to tell him what to write and then Cas is going to zap us to the big day," Dean replied.

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds easy," the Doctor said with a touch of disappointment that the task before him might be considered simple.

Sam looked with amazement. "It sounds impossible."

5pm January 24, 2008 Kripke's Hollow

Chuck paced the length of his house. He nearly had the entire story. Sam and Dean were just leaving Bobby Singer's Salvage yard on their way to meet Dean's destiny when... when what? Chuck's mind went blank. He couldn't remember what was supposed to happen next. Was he really going to allow Dean to go to hell?

He poured himself a glass of whiskey and took a large sip.


Still nothing. This writer's block was killing him. He took another lap of his house before returning to his desk. Among the clutter, he spotted a newspaper advertisement for Miss Magda. "Hm, a little female inspiration might be what the doctor ordered," he thought to himself as he placed a call.

Only a few minutes later, there was a knock on his door.

"Whoa," Chuck said upon opening his door to find Amy standing there. "The agency got the description wrong, but you are so much better than what they usually send." Then he noticed Castiel. "Uh, I'm sorry, who are you? I only requested a female 'escort'; I wasn't looking to get any more adventurous than that."

Castiel narrowed his brows.

"I know my credit card was good, so if you're trying to collect or something..."

"I don't know to what you are referring," the angel finally said.

Chuck stared at them for a moment. Then, rushed to cover his obvious mistake. "Right. Well, whatever you're selling I don't want, I gave at the office, and I don't need a copy of The Watchtower." He attempted to shut the door in their faces.

Amy's brows wrinkled in confusion and she held out a hand to keep the door open. "We are here to help you with your book," she replied, looking around him into the house.

"My book? I don't need any help with my book."

"Yes, you do," Castiel said, moving around the prophet and entering the house.

Amy followed and looked around in disgust. "It's no wonder you need help, Chuck, look at this place, it's in shambles."

"I'm sorry. What is happening here? Who are you people? Why are you in my house?"

Amy took a deep breath. "I'm Amy. He's an angel. And we're here to tell you what to write."

Chuck burst out laughing. "An angel?" After a minute, he noticed that he was the only one laughing. "Oh come on! You expect me to believe you're angel? Not just any angel, but the angel of writer's block? Seriously, who sent you? Was it Sera? I bet it was Phil. Look, tell them the book will be finished next week."

Amy shoved some clutter aside and hopped up on the corner of Chuck's desk. "You see, that's where you're wrong, Chuck. The book will be finished tonight."

Chuck huffed in exasperation. Maybe he'd write if they weren't bothering him. Why was he allowing these people in his house, anyway?

"How about this?" Chuck suggested diplomatically as he made his way toward his door. "I'll write, if you leave."

"Sorry, can't do that," Amy replied. "Of course, you could come with us."

Chuck scoffed, "Yeah, I don't think so." He opened his front door in an invitation for them to leave. "Now, if you'll just be on your way."

Amy looked at Castiel. "Looks like you're going to have to show 'im, eh?"

"Yes," Castiel said calmly. He took a few steps away from Amy. "Chuck Shurley, I am an angel of the Lord. And you need to listen to what Miss Pond has to tell you."

Chuck humored him with a nod. "Right, so you've said, you're an angel."

A wind rushed through the room scattering papers everywhere. The lights in Chuck's living room popped and there was a loud rustling as Castiel's wings opened.

Hiding her shock believably well, Amy crossed her arms and hoped she appeared as if she saw the angel's wings on a regular basis.

Chuck slammed shut his door. "Oh God."

"Told you he was an angel." Amy sounded much more confident than she felt.

"An actual angel is in my house," Chuck stammered. "Oh god, I need a drink." He polished off the whiskey in his glass, poured himself a fresh one and downed most of it in one gulp.

Amy took the tumbler from his hand. "You might want to lay off of the alcohol for a bit."

"If he's an angel, what are you?"

Amy fluttered her lashes. "I'm your muse. So, I think it best if you listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you."


Aboard the TARDIS the Doctor paced. "I don't like this. This is taking too long."

"They've only been gone twenty minutes, Doc. You've got to give them a chance to convince Chuck that Cas is an angel and that he needs listen to Amy," Dean said.

"Yes, yes, of course, but you don't know Amy like I know Amy. She's a bit of a rabble rouser."

Sam and Dean exchanged amused looks. Even in the short time they knew her, it was blatantly obvious that Amy did whatever she pleased and nothing was going to stand in her way.

"Not only does she have to convince Chuck to listen to her, she has to concoct the story, doesn't she?" Sam asked. "Well, I'm sure that will take a while."

Dean began to rub his chin, a nervous habit which Sam immediately recognized. "Dean, what's wrong?"

Dean stared at his brother for a minute. "I was wondering what kind of fan-girl Amy is," he said quietly. "Remember Becky?" he asked with a shudder.

Sam closed his eyes. "She can't do anything too weird," Sam replied hoping to sound reassuring. "I mean the book has to be publishable, right?"

Back in Kripke's Hollow, Amy was having her own difficulties. She knew what she wanted to happen, but she didn't know how to tell that story. Now, it was her turn to pace the length of Chuck's house.

As Chuck watched her clumping about in her boots, he became increasingly worried. "Oh no, don't tell me my muse has got writer's block! That can't happen, can it?" he asked Castiel.

Castiel was also fixated on the girl pacing the house. "Miss Pond, is there a problem?"

She glared at him in exasperation. "Of course there's a problem." She faced Chuck. "I know the story, but not how to tell it."

"Well, I can -"

"What if I show you what happens and you write it all down?"

Not knowing how to answer such a crazy idea, Chuck said, "Sure, that would work. But how are you going to do that?

"Grab your laptop," Amy said before addressing the angel. "Cas, if you would be so kind as to take us to the TARDIS, please."


"Doctor!" Amy called as she rapped on the door of the TARDIS.

Chuck wobbled, unsteady on his feet as they 'landed'. "What just happened? What is this?" he asked quietly, not really caring if he got an answer since this day couldn't get much stranger.

"This is a TARDIS," Amy answered as if it would clarify everything to the writer.

"It is a Time and Relative Dimension in Space vehicle," Castiel replied, making Chuck even more confused.

However, that confusion was magnified to new heights when the Doctor opened the door. "Oh, hello, Mr. Shurley. I wasn't expecting to see you." He looked at Amy for an explanation.

The girl shrugged. "I thought it would be easier to show him rather than tell him."

"Yes, well, he's here now," the Doctor stepped aside to allow them to enter.

The prophet gaped at his hosts and his surroundings. Okay, he thought, I'm dead. That's the only logical explanation for any of this. Or I've gone crazy. All good writers are a little off their rockers, why would I be any different?

"Hey, Chuck, how's it going?" Dean asked as his way of greeting him.

"Fine," he answered in a tremor which belied his fright.

"You sure, man?" Dean asked when he noticed the writer's trepidation.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," he stammered, wondering who these people were. Maybe this is all a dream. That moo shu pork did smell a little off. That must be it. I'm dying of food poisoning on my kitchen floor.

Sam didn't think Chuck looked well at all. "Chuck, buddy, maybe you should sit down."

"Okay." He allowed Sam to lead him to a chair. Once he sat he asked, "Who are you guys? How do you know my name?"

"Chuck, it's us, Sam and Dean," Sam said, throwing a worried look at his brother.

"Yeah, Chuck, come on, you know us, the Winchesters. He's Sam, I'm Dean, you're Chuck, you write about our lives... Any of this ringing a bell?"

"Winchesters?" Chuck squeaked.

"Doc, what's wrong with him?" Dean asked.

The Doctor scanned him with his screwdriver. "Nothing appears to be wrong, medically speaking." He looked closely at the prophet. "Oh, of course, he hasn't met you, yet. This is earlier in his time line than when he met you before."

Sam and Dean exchanged looks that said they should have realized that and turned to the befuddled prophet. Sam put a hand on his chest. "Chuck, I'm Sam Winchester. The same Sam Winchester that you write about and this is my brother, Dean."

"This can't be happening," Chuck whined.

"Well it is. You've been writing about our lives. All that crap you think up; actually happens to us," Dean explained.

"Our mom died in a fire caused by the yellow-eyed demon on the night I turned six months old," Sam said.

"Sammy died at Cold Oak and I made a deal with a crossroads demon to bring him back. This sound familiar?" Dean asked.

Chuck nodded solemnly, and then let his head fall into his hands. "Oh god, I am going crazy."

"I assure you, Chuck, you are in full control of your mental faculties," Castiel said.

Chuck looked at the angel for a moment as he tried to believe his current situation. He took a deep breath and turned to Dean. "Lilith is going to have her hell-hounds attack you and," he stopped speaking as his stomach began to churn. "Oh god."

Amy put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, well, we've decided we're not going to let that happen."

"Okay," Chuck replied with an unnaturally high voice. "But I don't control what I write. I get these visions," he said, looking at the others.

"We know," Amy replied. "We're going to give you a new vision."

"Amy! You're brilliant!" the Doctor said in awe as a new plan formed in his head. "If we take Chuck with us, his angel will be forced to arrive to destroy Lilith!" He turned to the angel. "Castiel, can you manage to bring Chuck with us as well?"

Amy interrupted before the angel could answer, "If Chuck's going, I'm going too!"

The Doctor looked concerned. "No, Amy, I can't let you do that. It's far too -"

"Dangerous? Doctor, you and me have faced death plenty of times. I don't see how this is any different."

"Yes, Amy, but-"

"Amy, look, I know you have him wrapped around your finger," Dean said pointing to the Doctor. "But, we are not taking you with us."

Amy scowled and turned to the Doctor. "Would you please tell Mr. Smartypants-Winchester that I've faced my share of danger and I can handle myself?"

"Yes, well, Amy -"

"I'm sorry, Amy, but Dean's right," Sam interrupted "You're not coming with us. There's going to be dozens of demons, not just Lilith. We won't be able to protect you."

"I don't need your protecting. I already told you I can handle -"

"Right," Dean said taking her hand and looking her in the eye, "I know. You can handle death and danger with the best of them and probably better than most of them. But Amy, we're trying to save the world here, not just me."

"I know and I can help."

"You're right, you can. Let us save you first. Stay here. Be here when we get back. Otherwise all this is for nothing," Dean said softly as he stared intently into her eyes, hoping his charm would be enough to persuade her.

For a moment, Amy thought she might relent from the intensity of his gaze. She shook off that feeling and said, "Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you?" earning a smirk from Sam. "Fine, you win," she huffed in annoyance. "I'll stay behind, but, then Chuck should, too."

"You heard her, Chuck stays behind, too," Dean announced.

"Dean, we could really use that archangel that's tethered to him," Sam quietly reminded him.

"Cas has got wings enough for Lilith. Plus, there will be two of us and the Doctor." He smirked at his brother. "It already reeks of overkill."

"I'm good with staying behind," Chuck said eagerly.

The Doctor studied them for a moment. "Yes, very good. You both stay. Watch the action on the screen and write the parts that inspire you."

New Harmony, Indiana - Fremont house 11:58pm May 2, 2008

Dean, Sam, and Ruby led Mrs. Fremont and her no longer possessed daughter, into the basement. Sam turned to Ruby, "What can I do to save Dean?"

"It's too late," the demon replied. "I needed time."

"Sam, stop," Dean pleaded.

"Dean, I'm not going to let you go to hell!"

"Yes, you are." Before Sam could argue more, Dean said, "Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what dad taught you... okay?"

Sam nodded.

"Remember what I taught you."

The grandfather clock began to strike midnight and Dean could hear the growling of hell hounds.

Ruby gave Dean a mournful look. "I'm sorry, Dean. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."

But over the clock striking and over the hounds snarling, another sound was heard, a whirring sound. Ruby looked around for the source, "What the -?"

Before she got an answer, Dean looked toward the dining room. "Hell hound."

Together, they raced to the den and shut the door. Dean poured the goofer dust across the threshold. Then, he rushed to the window to do the same.

Sam held Ruby's knife at the ready, but the demon held out her hand for it. "Sam, give me the knife. I can hold them off, buy us some time."

With Castiel's assistance, the Doctor landed the TARDIS in the Fremont's living room. Before opening the door, he turned to the others. "Remember, whatever happens in there will change future events. The future pivots around you, here, now. So do good."

The Doctor silently opened the door and led the way. He was followed by Dean and Sam with their guns drawn and finally Castiel. The Doctor flashed his sonic and outlines of the hell-hounds became visible. "Hell hounds. There and there."

Sam and Dean took aim and fired. Castiel moved around them and strode purposely down the hall to the den.


The hell hounds, barking and scraping at the door, were suddenly silenced by gun shots. Sam and Dean exchanged excited looks. "Bobby?" Dean called as he made his way to the door.

"Not so fast, Deano," Ruby flicked her hand and Dean was tossed across the room. He crashed heavily into the desk and was held there by an invisible force.

Sam was shocked and he turned to Ruby. "Ruby, what's -?"

Ruby smirked and slammed Sam into the wall knocking the knife from his hand.

"Sam, it's not Ruby, it's Lilith!" Dean yelled from the desk.

"Hi, Sam. I've been wanting to meet your for a long, long time." Her eyes turned a demonic white for a moment.

"How long have you been in her?" Dean asked.

"Not long. But I like it. It's all grown up and pretty." She swayed childlike and smiled.

"Where's Ruby? What have you done to her?" Sam demanded.

"Oh, I sent her far far away. Just like I'm going to do to big brother Dean. And just like I'm going to do to you." Her eyes went white and she raised her hand to destroy the brothers with her demon death ray.

The Doctor and Castiel raced to the den. The Doctor sonic-ed the lock and the goofer dust, rendering it powerless to stop the angel.

Castiel threw open the door and growled, "Lilith!" The demon turned to him and they met in the middle of the room. Castiel went to put his hand to her face, but Lilith was strong enough to grab his wrist and stop him.

"Sam!" Dean shouted from his place where he was pinned on the desk. "The knife!"

With the distraction caused by Castiel's arrival, Sam broke Lilith's temporary hold on him. He retrieved Ruby's knife and as he was about to drive it into Lilith's back, Castiel overpowered her. In a flash of brilliant light, Lilith was no more.

As the demon crumbled to the floor, Dean was able to stand. "Who are you?" Dean demanded of the man wearing a trench coat.

Castiel smiled fondly at Dean and then at Sam. "I am Castiel. I'm an Angel of the Lord."

Sam's mouth fell open in awe and his knees began to buckle. "An angel?" he gasped.

"Bull shit. There is no such thing," Dean growled as he moved to stand next to his brother.

Castiel shook his head and sighed, "This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith." Lightening flashed, and on Castiel's back great shadowy wings appeared, stretching off into the distance.

Duly served his comeuppance, Dean nodded, "Wh-why are you here, saving us?"

"Because you and your brother have a purpose and much more work to do."

Sam was bubbling over with gratitude. "Thank you. Thank you so much. If you need anything, we'll- well not that an angel needs our help, but if you ever do, we'll do whatever you ask."

"Sam," Dean reprimanded him. Was his brother about to make a deal with an angel, now? Dean was sure that couldn't work out well.

"You," Cas said facing Sam. "You, Sam, need to stay away from Ruby. She has only the worst intentions. She plans to raise Lucifer with your help."

Both Sam and Dean were flabbergasted. "Sam would never do that," Dean insisted.

Cas smiled gently. "I know he wouldn't. Not if he has you to make to make sure he doesn't."

The brothers exchanged looks, but the angel wasn't finished with them. "Here, take this." He presented them with an object wrapped in an old cloth.

Dean took it and unwrapped it. "The Colt? Where did you get this?"

"A friend," the angel answered. "I assure you it works as well as it did when Samuel Colt first made it."

"Thanks," Sam said, but when the brothers looked up from the gun, they found themselves alone.

Aboard the TARDIS, Chuck's fingers flew over his laptop's key. An angel, why hadn't he thought of that? Not just any angel, but a warrior of God kind of angel, yeah, I can make him be a bad ass angel, Chuck thought.

Dean bumped Cas's shoulder. "I don't know why you couldn't think to do this, would have saved us a lot of trouble."

"I'm an angel, Dean, not a time lord."

Dean grinned fondly at Cas. "I remember when you said you couldn't interfere with Chuck's prophecy. What was this, if not interfering?"

The angel nearly smiled himself. "Well, Dean, that was before you taught me to question orders."

Dean clapped a hand on the angel's shoulder. "I told you it's fun being a rebel."

Amy was reading over Chuck's shoulder, until Sam stood next to her. She looked up at him and smiled questioningly, "Yeah, Sam?"

Sam gave her a small, but grateful smile. "I just wanted to say thank you."

Amy blushed, "I didn't really do anything. The Doctor and Cas did it all."

Sam shook his head. She didn't understand. "No, Amy. If you hadn't wanted to save my brother, he would have gone to hell. Seeing him ripped apart by those hell's worse than you can imagine. But now, now, I have two sets of memories and a lot of the bad ones are fading away."

"Like a dream does when you wake up," Amy suggested.

"Yeah, like a dream," Sam agreed. "But you have no idea the change you've made. Look, I don't have scars from the ghoul attack," he pushed up the sleeves of his shirt, "I don't feel the demon blood." He smiled and looked in her eyes. "Thank you."

Feeling overwhelmed again, Amy blushed. "You're welcome." Then to her surprise, Sam hugged her, and though Amy was surprised, she eagerly returned the hug.

Dean scowled when he saw them hugging. "Hm, I thought Amy was a 'Dean-girl'," he grumbled mostly to himself.

The Doctor pouted also and muttered, "Well I thought she was a 'Doctor-girl'."

Having overheard them, Amy released Sam. "Oh stop it; I'm not anyone's girl. I'm certainly not the girl for you two blokes," she said indicating the Winchesters. "And the Doctor's far too old for me, aren't you? What are you now, 914?"

"Somewhere there abouts, yes," the Doctor muttered, looking put out.

From where he sat with his laptop, Chuck shouted, "Yes! Finished!"

"Told you you'd finish tonight," Amy reminded him, knocking him on the shoulder.

"Well, then, it's time to take you home, Mr. Shurley," the Doctor said and with a few twists of knobs and dials the TARDIS returned to January 24, 2008, Kripke's Hollow.

"Well, Chuck, take care," Sam said, shaking the writer's hand.

"Yeah, Chuck, take care of yourself," Dean repeated, also shaking Chuck's hand. However, before he let go he added, "Stop writing about our lives, or we'll come back for you."

"But I can't really help -"

"Stop publishing our lives," Sam clarified for the man. "We have guns and know how to use them."

It was far too soon that the TARDIS set down in 2009 to return the Winchesters to their proper time-line.

"Thanks for everything, Doc," Dean said, feeling nervous about what was on the other side of the TARDIS' door.

"Yeah, Doctor, Amy, we can't thank you enough," Sam added smiling at both of them.

"Well, Winchesters, it was indeed a pleasure working with both of you." The Doctor bowed slightly to them. "Castiel, good luck on your new course."

The angel nodded. "Thank you, Doctor, Miss Pond. It has been - enlightening."

Amy hugged each one, including Cas. "I'm going to miss reading about you, now that you forced Chuck to quit."

Dean shrugged. "Maybe, but if you ever get that bored, I'm sure the Doctor can find us."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "Who knows, maybe Chuck will write about something else just as interesting."

The TARDIS' door opened to a beautiful sunny day. The Impala was waiting a few yards away, gleaming in the morning sun.

Sam bumped Dean's shoulder as they left. "I bet you were dying to ask him to sing the 'Lumberjack Song'."

"Me? No, not at all," Dean replied.

"Now for something completely different?"

Dean started chuckling. "Close, but I wanted: 'No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!'"

Cas looked puzzled. "No one did. Their chief weapon was surprise."

Sam and Dean looked at Cas and then doubled over in laughter.


Chuck called Sera, his Wiccan Press publisher the moment he sent her the draft of No Rest for the Wicked. "Sera, I'm done with the Supernatural series." Before she could protest, he said, "I've come up with a whole new concept. It's about a beautiful young girl and a crazy guy in a bow-tie and they travel through time and space in one of those British phone booths."

supernatural, sncross big bang, doctor who, amy an angel and averting the apocalypse

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