[BTR] Press Release

May 05, 2010 12:00

Beyond The Rift: a panfandom LJ RP in an alternate-universe version of Chicago, where the tropes of urban fantasy got into a twelve-car pileup with the tropes of science fiction and ended up Katamari-ing through a lot of fandoms and original universes before coming to rest in the minds of 20 or so players. The game is extremely story-driven, relying on cooperative plots and attention to character growth, and has run stories, threads and plot events from the absolutely cracky to the highly dramatic, from the short and silly to the poignant, and from the expat detectives turning into animals to the Silent Hill invading haunted office buildings.

Over the May 1st/2nd weekend, a number of the game's oldest (2-year+) players decided it was time to move on. They left openings in the cast list for a number of characters from popular fandoms, including Doctor Who (the 9th and 10th Doctors, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Simm!Master), Torchwood (Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Suzie Costello), Life On Mars (Sam Tyler, Annie Cartwright, Gene Hunt), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenburg), and while these characters were put on temporary hold to allow the characters left behind in the game time to adjust (and to prevent emotional whiplash), they'll open again for applications on the 18th. It's a vacuum LJRP will see filled, one way or another.

BTR is a heavily storytelling-based game, maintaining a fairly high standard of writing, plot engagement, and verisimilitude in character and character-relationship growth. Many of our players are writers. We also maintain a game canon, with history and politics: characters won't be stepping into an environment where their castmates will necessarily have the same relationships to them that they did in canon, and they will deal with people who remember things alternate versions of themselves have done. We tend to think that universal confusion is hella cool, or at least hella amusing. If you don't, it's definitely something to watch out for.

We'd love to welcome in a few new people.

If you want more information, you can check out the website at http://beyondtherift.com/, the game community at beyondtherift, the wiki at http://beyondtherift.com/wiki , or you can email the mods at mods@beyondtherift.com. Or PM me - I'll do my best to answer.

For a full list of recently-dropped characters, see here: http://beyondtherift.com/held-characters/

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