Rabastan Lestange, Pensieve Memory, December 1977

Jun 27, 2007 17:19

Name: Rabastan Lestrange
Format: Pensieve Memory
Date: December 1977
Relevance: Evidence of Rabastan Lestrange's illegal activities, including the murder of C. Dearborn, the theft of Ministry property and the involvement of  L. Malfoy.

He straightened up, try not to look too closely at the body on the floor. He hadn't expected it would be such a ( Read more... )

1977, rabastan_lestrange, pensieve_memory

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Comments 26

favourite_son June 27 2007, 17:41:23 UTC
I think Regulus is quite sorry for Rabastan having to Polyjuice himself into an old man. He hopes the experience wasn't too traumatic. :)


capitis_sepenti June 27 2007, 18:13:53 UTC
I'm sure Rabastan is very, very grateful for Regulus's condolences. It was quite horrible!


favourite_son June 27 2007, 19:04:07 UTC
I hope the poor thing at least had a good shower afterwards! :)


viridigitus June 28 2007, 02:11:59 UTC
*almost wistfully*
Lye works very well, you know, when trying to dispose of organic remains.

*more seriously*
Was there a problem with any of the ingredients? I'll need to know if the rest of the stock needs to be destroyed, you understand.


capitis_sepenti June 28 2007, 06:18:49 UTC
Thank you. I will consider that.

*shakes his head*
No, no. I'm quite sure it was my fault - my brewing skills are hardly fantastic. I can follow recipies but no real flare.


viridigitus June 30 2007, 15:37:42 UTC
*only half-joking*
And of course there's always the various carnivorous things I keep in my greenhouses. I suppose it just depends how squeamish you are about these things.

*nods in sympathy, she's the same way*
Perhaps next time take a second dose with you, just in case? No matter though. You achieved what you set out to do and that's all that matters.


capitis_sepenti June 30 2007, 17:23:07 UTC
*raises an eyebrow*
Really? And not very squeamish. Have you fed many bodies to these plants then?

I wont make that mistake again. I was...cocky.


imperiused June 28 2007, 10:06:20 UTC
=Graps the boy's shoulders, pulling him into the room and shutting the door behind them, face pale.= Rabastan? What happened?


capitis_sepenti June 30 2007, 17:21:32 UTC
It wore off! I didn't take enough or I didn't make it strong enough.

Lucius, they're looking for me!


imperiused June 30 2007, 17:49:57 UTC
=Nods, pulling Rabastan towards his desk= Did you manage to get the papers? When did the potion wear off, can you remember? Was it before you got them, or after? =He asks, talking quickly as he takes a key from his pocket, and unlocks the bottom draw of his desk, and takes out a box from inside it.= An emergency port-key. It only works once, and it'll take you to the town house. You can make your own way from there, can't you?


capitis_sepenti June 30 2007, 17:54:19 UTC
*even in his fearfull state he scowls*
Yes, Lucius. I can remember. I'm not so frightened as to forget a thing as that.

*reaches into his robes and withdraws the papers, throwing them on Lucius's desk*

*looks from the port key to Lucius*
I can. But what about you. They'll be searching offices.


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