Rabastan Lestange, Pensieve Memory, December 1977

Jun 27, 2007 17:19

Name: Rabastan Lestrange
Format: Pensieve Memory
Date: December 1977
Relevance: Evidence of Rabastan Lestrange's illegal activities, including the murder of C. Dearborn, the theft of Ministry property and the involvement of  L. Malfoy.

He straightened up, try not to look too closely at the body on the floor. He hadn't expected it would be such a ( Read more... )

1977, rabastan_lestrange, pensieve_memory

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imperiused June 28 2007, 10:06:20 UTC
=Graps the boy's shoulders, pulling him into the room and shutting the door behind them, face pale.= Rabastan? What happened?


capitis_sepenti June 30 2007, 17:21:32 UTC
It wore off! I didn't take enough or I didn't make it strong enough.

Lucius, they're looking for me!


imperiused June 30 2007, 17:49:57 UTC
=Nods, pulling Rabastan towards his desk= Did you manage to get the papers? When did the potion wear off, can you remember? Was it before you got them, or after? =He asks, talking quickly as he takes a key from his pocket, and unlocks the bottom draw of his desk, and takes out a box from inside it.= An emergency port-key. It only works once, and it'll take you to the town house. You can make your own way from there, can't you?


capitis_sepenti June 30 2007, 17:54:19 UTC
*even in his fearfull state he scowls*
Yes, Lucius. I can remember. I'm not so frightened as to forget a thing as that.

*reaches into his robes and withdraws the papers, throwing them on Lucius's desk*

*looks from the port key to Lucius*
I can. But what about you. They'll be searching offices.


imperiused June 30 2007, 17:57:56 UTC
It's my perogative to worry. I want you to go, now. Don't worry about me. I'll visit you tonight, if everything has calmed down. Just carry on as normal. But before you leave, I suggest you take a good swallow of that potion again, just in case. They haven't found Dearborn yet, have they?


capitis_sepenti July 2 2007, 12:16:34 UTC
Take the potion again? Lucius, they'll be looking for Dearborn! Being him would be more dangerus than not.

*bites his lip*
I don't know! How would I know!


imperiused July 2 2007, 17:54:26 UTC
Calm down, Rabastan. I think you should get out of here, go home, and ensure you have at least two alibis. Are Rodolphus and Bella home? =He takes the lid off the box, revealing the exquist wine glass carved of crystal.= That will take you to the town house. Take it, and go now, Rabastan. I'll see you tonight, when this has blown over.


capitis_sepenti July 27 2007, 10:22:05 UTC
Rodolphus and Bella? I don't want to get them involved if I don't have to. *bites his lip, reaching out for the glass*

Will you be coming later? Should I take the papers with me? What if they search your office?


imperiused July 27 2007, 12:54:54 UTC
Then you'll need another alibi. A good one, a damn good one. But Rodolphus and Bella would do it for you, if you asked.

I'll come later. And leave them here. If you get caught with them then there's no hope for you. I'll deal with it, don't worry. There's hiding places in this office no one can find.


capitis_sepenti July 27 2007, 13:40:35 UTC
I could say I was out shopping; I know any number of people who we could bribe to say that was true. And Hilly, our house-elf, I'm sure she would tell them she'd come to carry the package for me. But I don't want to involve Bella and Rodolphus unless I have to.

Are you sure, Lucius? I certainly don't want to get you into trouble.


imperiused July 27 2007, 15:28:35 UTC
Then you had better go Rabastan. The longer you stay here the less time you have to organise it and time is important. =steps from behind his desk, fingers stroking the boy's cheek= I'll come and see you tonight, and take you to dinner. Go.

No more trouble than I normally get myself into. I know what I'm doing.


capitis_sepenti July 27 2007, 17:11:31 UTC
*smiles at Lucius's touch, leaning into it*
Yes, Lucius. Tonight then. Be careful, and please don't forget those papers.

*takes hold of the glass, vanishing in an instant*


imperiused July 27 2007, 18:11:53 UTC
=It is several hours later, and the dusk has closed in about the quiet street, as Lucius Apperates onto the doorstep of a tallk, well-kept townhouse, and knocks on the door. It is opened quickly and he's ushered inside, out of the cool evening air=


capitis_sepenti July 27 2007, 18:15:31 UTC
*Rabastan appears in the hallway, wand gripped tightly in his hand but he relaxes when he sees who it is*
Lucius, I thought...I've been so worried all day. I keep expecting the Aurors to burst in at any moment.

Do you have the papers? We need to get them to him as soon as possible.


imperiused August 1 2007, 08:21:08 UTC
=He steps in, shutting the door behind him= Well, if they haven't arrived yet you may rest assured they won't come at all. It isn't their style to wait.

I have them, and we shall. But not until you have calmed down. Now, are you ready for dinner?


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