Augustus Rookwood, Manuscript, Early 1977

Apr 20, 2007 10:32

Name: Augustus Rookwood
Date: Early Spring 1977
Format: Fragment of a manuscript; note
Relevance: This incomplete page from a restricted muggle manuscript of 1467 was found in Rookwood's lab, and dates his research into Inferi to early 1977, roughly around the time of his recruitment by the Death Eaters.

large image and Badde Spelinge behind the cut! )

1977, augustus_rookwood

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Comments 195

hexed_gideon April 20 2007, 11:29:40 UTC
Dear heavens, don't I feel as if I was back in last semester and teaching Middle English. :D Wonderfully done.
I shall keep Gideon from responding until we're done with the other thread. :)


corviform April 21 2007, 06:26:35 UTC
Thank you, dear! Told you I'd had fun with it. ;)


hexed_gideon April 21 2007, 21:09:23 UTC
Okay, back to RP business proper, as the breakfast thread is done. :D The last bit is here.

*saunters across the hallway, but stops right in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the frame to simply watch Augustus; likes the efficient, non-fussy way in which he goes about clearing things away in a kitchen that isn't his own* *really appreciates his appearance for the first time that day and takes his time to study him, his gaze travelling slowly from head to foot and back up again*


corviform April 21 2007, 22:10:55 UTC
*hears the whooshing of Bill flooing out, followed by Gideon's footsteps coming to a halt in the doorway, and smirks to himself* *doesn't turn around right away, but finishes what he's doing, having the crockery stack itself once it's clean*

*turns to lean back against the sink, obviously pleased with himself, and grins* *teasingly* Did he make it home safely, or manage to find some new person to harrass via the wonder of floo travel?

Thanks love! :D


viridigitus April 20 2007, 15:30:34 UTC
Fantastically done! I bet it took a while to get the spelling so... dated.

*looks at the note curiously*
Moonflower and quicklime. The former doesn't tend to thrive in alkali soils although I don't suppose you're growng it anyway. Have you had much success with your experiments so far?


corviform April 21 2007, 06:29:57 UTC
As a matter of fact, I have a rather impressive specimen growing in my bathroom. *polite smile* Though I've now eliminated the need for it in the process. A spell is rather neater and more convenient than a potion.

Thank you! It did, but it was fun. I pinched a lot of that from various places though and cobbled it together. ;)


viridigitus April 21 2007, 12:48:00 UTC
Hmm, really? Well, I won't enquire as to why. But yes, I have to agree, the use of a spell would take a number of variables for error out of the equation.


corviform April 21 2007, 12:54:45 UTC
*raises one shoulder in an eloquent shrug* I prefer a more interesting houseplant. Why else?

Quite. With regards to your earlier question, yes, I have had some noteable successes. But making an inferius is hardly the problem, I mastered the technique quickly enough. Making them to last, now that's worthwhile.


blackdasphodele April 20 2007, 17:48:13 UTC
I'm such a perv. I read that first line as "Bodies that seem to Arse again." *gigglesnort* This is BEAUTIFUL! God, did it take you forever? *adores*

*inclines her head*
Does it make a difference if the body is Muggle or Wizard?


corviform April 21 2007, 06:53:10 UTC
It does. *quick nod* Wizards retain a slight magical charge after death, rather akin to static electricity, which makes the process more likely to be successful.

*cackle* Yes, you are a perv. This is why we love you. :p
Hee, it did. But it was such fun! ♥


blackdasphodele April 22 2007, 18:06:17 UTC
It does not surprise me that even their corpses are useless. How long can the Inferi survive? The process slows or stops decay?

*giggles* Guilty! *loves back*


corviform April 23 2007, 08:52:27 UTC
*smirks and raises one shoulder*
Until now Inferi have only been used for short periods of time. The spellwork behind them is showy, but lacks practical application. It slows decay for a while, true - I believe it's even used, in an altered form, to aid in autopsies in some countries - but not long enough, which is why I am working on modifying it.


hismagdalen April 20 2007, 18:26:19 UTC
Mr Rookwood? Augustus?
*she lingers a moment in the doorway, then approaches*
Would you mind awfully if I came and sat with you a while? Rodolphus is conducting business with Lucius again and one can only wander about the building for so long before one starts feeling dizzy.


corviform April 21 2007, 10:47:06 UTC
*long pause, eyebrows raised mildly*
Not at all, Mrs Lestrange. Though I'm afraid you shall have rather a dull time watching me drink tea, and further progression into the department is quite impossible without a clearance form.
*little humourless twitch of his lips*
Which you will not get. Might I suggest a less restricted venue? I have fifty three minutes of my lunch break left, and, I believe, something that might interest you.


hismagdalen April 22 2007, 08:25:17 UTC
*she smiles slightly*
Fifty-three minutes strikes me as the perfect amount of time. Though we'd best rush before we are left with only fifty-two.


corviform April 22 2007, 11:28:32 UTC
*smirks and takes her elbow in a business-like grip* May I?

*apparates them both to a deserted corner in a muggle industrial estate; scrubby grass is growing through the concrete in places, and most of the units are closed up and empty, but somewhere close an engine is running*

*releases her elbow quickly and brushes down his robes a little fussily*
I've wards up everywhere; we shan't be seen.


the_pureblooded April 20 2007, 23:11:38 UTC
Of course you know I'm a sucker for superfluous Es! *G*


corviform April 21 2007, 10:57:33 UTC
*cackle* They improve everything you know!


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