Narcissa Malfoy, Two Letters, 15 February 1979

Feb 17, 2007 03:01

Name: Narcissa Malfoy
Format: Two letters
Date: 15 February 1979
Relevance: Extent of N. Malfoy's influence, investigation into her husband's activities, and involvement with Borgin and Burke's to purchase Dark artefacts.

Two letters on N. Malfoy's personal stationary, one to Alfred Burnett who was head of the Floo Network Authority at the time and the other to Caractacus Burke, proprieter of a known supplier of Dark Arts objects.
Transcrips as follows:
Mr Burnett,

Thank you so kindly for your prompt reply to my enquiry and the floo connection location you provided me with. Lucius is always surprising me by taking me places and occasionally, like last night, he refuses to tell me where precisely we are dining. I am normally quite content to enjoy the mystery of our location, but the pate de fois gras there was too divine to not have at our Ides of March Ball. Also it will be gratifying to be able to surprise Lucius with a remembrance of this most recent and very special St Valentine’s, so I beg your silence on this matter to keep from spoiling a wife’s desire to provide such a small token of love to her husband.

I do hope you will be at the ball along with your lovely wife. (Do remember it is fancy dress with a Tragic Lovers theme this year.)

With sincerest regards,
Narcissa Malfoy

Mr Burke,

Thank you for your swift reassurances today. I know that operating in such a market as you do presents many problems and is prone to disruptions by disreputable individuals. I am relieved to hear that there will not be any delay on obtaining Lucius’ birthday gift this year. I will expect you at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon for tea and a discussion of what I wish to purchase for him.

Narcissa Malfoy

letter, narcissa_malfoy, 1979

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