Fleur Delacour, Letter, 26.06.1995

Feb 15, 2007 22:43

Name: Fleur Delacour
Format: Letter
Date: 26 June 1995
Relevance: Discussion of events occurring during the third task of the Triwizard Tournament; direct mention of You Know Who and Harry Potter; possible reference to use of Unforgivable
Archivist’s note: Intercepted owl; letter copied and translated from the original French using a simple language charm.

Dearest Collette,

So many things have happened in the last few days, I’m not sure I know where to start. I am, for the moment, in hospital, but don‘t worry. The last task of the Triwizard was more difficult than I ever imagined and I was st ran into the wrong side of a spell. I was cursed and it was horrible. I can’t possible describe it and all in all, it’s probably better that I don’t or (I know you) you’ll be in tears and think that I’m lying when I tell you that I’m fine.

The whole task took place in a huge hedge maze. Yes, Collette - a hedge maze. It was so high you couldn’t see out of it without a levitation charm and it went on for what seemed like forever. It was full of all sorts of traps and creatures and frightening spells. I’m ashamed to say that I was one of the first to be eliminated. I’d thought I’d do much better than that. Still, it’s only made me more determined to perfect my defense spells.

Here is where I have sad news. A boy died. He was one of the champions from Hogwarts. He was handsome in a ordinary sort of way, but clever and a very able Wizard. I’m not all together sure what to think. I’d written to you back in November when the Tournament started to tell you about Harry Potter who was the second champion. Apparently there was some sort of oddness at the centre of the maze when Harry and Cedric (that’s the other Hogwarts boy) reached it together and Cedric was killed. Actually, if we’re to believe what everyone is whispering, he was murdered. Collette, Harry Potter says that He Who Must Not Be Named has come back. Oh, it gives me shivers just to write that out. Dumbledore seems to believe him and you may call me crazy, but I can’t bring myself to completely disbelieve him either. I know this is all very jumbled and doesn’t make very much sense at all. I’ll explain it better when I’m home again, I promise. I’m still sorting it all out in my head even now and slowly learning what’s been going on while I’ve been uncon in hospital.

So don’t mind me, dearest. We can talk about it all when I’m back. But I have more news, and this you must keep to yourself for the moment! I’ve met the handsomest boy. What am I saying? He’s no boy. He’s 24 and awfully forward, but he has an unexpected sweetness about him. I don’t imagine anything will come of it, but he’s visited me twice now and asked me to dinner. Heaven help me, Collette - I said yes. Merlin knows how he’ll manage to convince Madame to let him take me out to Hogsmeade, but I have a feeling he could charm a fwooper into silence.

I’m out of hospital this evening and I may write more before we leave next week, but if you’d heard anything (I’m sure some of the boys and girls have been owling like mad!) I didn’t want you to be worried for me. Gabrielle and I are both well!

Make sure to say ‘hello’ to Felice and Gaspard for me.

Much love,


letter, 1995, fleur_delacour

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