Alastor Moody, Resolutions, 1985-1996

Jan 09, 2007 05:38

Name: Alastor Moody
Format: Resolutions
Date: 1 January of 1985, 1987, 1988, 1992, & 1996
Relevance: Documents the end of Alastor Moody's career as an Auror and his subsequent retirement.
Warnings: My apologies to dial-up users.

*growls* This year, I resolve... )

alastor_moody, 1987, 1988, 1996, resolutions, 1992, 1985

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Comments 232

archon_mentha January 9 2007, 06:16:05 UTC
These are fantastic! I just love the image of Moody in a cubicle. *g* And the 1992 and 1996 ones make me very sad for him...


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:18:21 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
hee, Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed the image of him in a cubicle, too...


twolions January 9 2007, 08:58:57 UTC
HEE! These are lovely!

You and Mum should start a knitting circle. Might finally make that tea cozy to fit over the house that she's been nattering on about.


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:18:34 UTC
Thank you! :-)

*raises the eyebrow over his non-magical eye*
Knitting circle, hmmm? Interesting idea... Have to think about that...


twolions January 11 2007, 08:16:26 UTC
*nods, lips twitching*
Might be a way to throw the Death Eaters of our tracks. We could develop a full code out of coloured yarn. Or knitted scarves?


auror_a_moody January 13 2007, 00:29:05 UTC
*rolls his non-magical eye*
Don't be ridiculous...
*trails off*
*pauses for a moment*
Maybe we could make it real obvious that we're usin' the scarves... An' then code mis-information... Really throw 'em off track...
What do you think?


kissed_soul January 9 2007, 10:20:32 UTC
Here's a new hobby for you: Learn how to stay binded inside a magical chest for days on end. *smirks*


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:19:03 UTC
Funny. Sounds less interesting than knitting... And less comfortable...
*pretends to consider for a moment*
Nah. Don't think that's a hobby I'd like to pursue...


kissed_soul January 10 2007, 23:45:53 UTC
I wouldn't be so sure, if I was you...


auror_a_moody January 12 2007, 04:25:21 UTC
*growls, drawing his wand*
Is that a threat?


imperiused January 9 2007, 11:11:24 UTC
Surely that last resolution makes paper work very diffecult, Moody?


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:18:57 UTC
*face slowly cracks into something smirk-like*
Eh. I'm retired. I'm not doin' the paperwork for it.


imperiused January 10 2007, 20:23:12 UTC
Not even sparing a thought for the poor intern who has to try and explain your actions afterwards, with no proof to prove you were acting lawfully?

And I doubt the ministry would be foolish enough to ever decare Martial law.


auror_a_moody January 11 2007, 00:54:13 UTC
Nobody spared me a thought, when I had to do the paperwork.
It'll be character-building, I'm sure...

*growls, incredulously*
Wouldn't be foolish enough?!
*laughs harshly*
And here, I thought you knew them better than that, Malfoy!


nex_colubra January 9 2007, 16:35:29 UTC
If you'd like to give archery a go Moody, just let me know.

I'd be happy to get you started.


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:21:59 UTC
*considers for a moment*
Archery, huh? That doesn't sound too bad.
Probably more exciting than knitting, I reckon...
Is it difficult?


nex_colubra January 10 2007, 22:08:04 UTC
Fresh air, sunshine. Just what the healer ordered eh?

A bit more exciting, probably yes. I've never tried to knit.


Though there are remarkable similarities between knitting needles and arrows.

Not really. A bit of practice and we'll be calling you 'Robin Hood' Moody.


auror_a_moody January 11 2007, 01:14:13 UTC
Something like that...

*raises an eyebrow*
Suppose both are long and pointy...

*rolls his good eye*
I doubt people'll be calling me anything other than Mad-Eye.

So, what'd'ya practice with for a target? Bales of straw or trees or something?


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