Alastor Moody, Resolutions, 1985-1996

Jan 09, 2007 05:38

Name: Alastor Moody
Format: Resolutions
Date: 1 January of 1985, 1987, 1988, 1992, & 1996
Relevance: Documents the end of Alastor Moody's career as an Auror and his subsequent retirement.
Warnings: My apologies to dial-up users.

*growls* This year, I resolve... )

alastor_moody, 1987, 1988, 1996, resolutions, 1992, 1985

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nex_colubra January 9 2007, 16:35:29 UTC
If you'd like to give archery a go Moody, just let me know.

I'd be happy to get you started.


auror_a_moody January 10 2007, 19:21:59 UTC
*considers for a moment*
Archery, huh? That doesn't sound too bad.
Probably more exciting than knitting, I reckon...
Is it difficult?


nex_colubra January 10 2007, 22:08:04 UTC
Fresh air, sunshine. Just what the healer ordered eh?

A bit more exciting, probably yes. I've never tried to knit.


Though there are remarkable similarities between knitting needles and arrows.

Not really. A bit of practice and we'll be calling you 'Robin Hood' Moody.


auror_a_moody January 11 2007, 01:14:13 UTC
Something like that...

*raises an eyebrow*
Suppose both are long and pointy...

*rolls his good eye*
I doubt people'll be calling me anything other than Mad-Eye.

So, what'd'ya practice with for a target? Bales of straw or trees or something?


nex_colubra January 11 2007, 01:34:02 UTC
Oh come on! You spend far too much time indoors old man! You're white as a ghost!

*raises a finger*

And sharp! Let's not forget sharp!

*shrugs and tries very hard not to snigger*

Mad-Eye Robin Hood then! It's got a nice ring to it.

Bales of straw. I do target archery mostly, where you try to hit the bulls-eye. You've probably seen pictures?

And you want to avoid hitting trees. The arrows get stuck.


auror_a_moody January 12 2007, 04:46:01 UTC
I burn easily.

*rolls his good eye*
*grumbles sarcastically*
How could we forget sharp?

You ever call me that, Lestrange, and...

*shakes his head*
*under his breath*
Targets... Why am I not surprised...
*growls, louder*
Well, I've got pretty good aim... Might be simple for me...


nex_colubra January 12 2007, 12:13:26 UTC
*eyebrows raise to his hairline*

Really?! Oh...*realizes and is disappointed* Sunburn.

I don't know. I never do.

*still sniggering*

Oh of course not! Not out loud any way.


I don't know. Are you surprised? Target shooting is the most popular form of archery.


Well then, I'll expect the bulls-eye from you right off!


auror_a_moody January 13 2007, 01:16:10 UTC
Yes, sunburn. I blister 'n' peel somethin' fierce every blasted time.

Certainly not out loud.

*shakes his head*
No, not surprised. Just... never mind...

*raises an eyebrow, smirks*
Well, I don't know... I am getting older... A little shaky any more... Maybe a bulls-eye within the first two or three tries, eh?


nex_colubra January 13 2007, 02:56:03 UTC
*fingers twitch involuntarily*


Perhaps you need a stronger sun-blocking potion.

Not in your hearing certainly! *coughs violently*


I hunt too you know.


Fair enough. Have you ever shot before?

Hee! I can picture Moody with his nose slathered with zinc oxide. :D


auror_a_moody January 13 2007, 04:23:36 UTC
Eh, I've tried 'em all, it seems. None of 'em work.

*raises an eyebrow*
And what do you hunt?
*adds quickly*
And couldn't you get people to hunt for you?

Shot? Yeah. Well, not an arrow.
A gun though... you know, Muggle weapon.

lol! Oh, dear, with his poor little nose! hee! What an image!


nex_colubra January 13 2007, 12:18:00 UTC
That's most unfortunate. *briskly* We'll try to keep to the shade as much as possible then.

Deer mostly. *quick smile* Grouse and duck.

I could, but I enjoy hunting.

*keenly interested*

Really? I've seen pictures of them. What was it like?



auror_a_moody January 15 2007, 01:23:45 UTC
I'd appreciate it.

*raises an eyebrow, nods*
I see.

*shrugs, uncomfortably*
Oh, I don't know. It was a long time ago... It was loud, remember that. Loud, and kind-of knocks you backwards if you're not ready for it.


nex_colubra January 15 2007, 04:05:38 UTC
It's the responsibility of a host to see to it that his guest is a comfortable as possible.

*shrugs carelessly*

The deer are far easier of course. It's not easy to lead a flying target with a bow and arrow.

*nods, thinking*

Loud eh? Like an exploding charm or something?

Well in archery you won't end up on your arse.

I take it you normal eye is your master?


auror_a_moody January 15 2007, 04:18:50 UTC
Well... thank you.

That makes sense...

I didn't end up on my arse, for your information.

Well, yeah.
Unless the target is behind me...


nex_colubra January 15 2007, 14:52:49 UTC
*smiles because he's made Moody uncomfortable*

My pleasure, I assure you.

Which is why you'll be aiming at big stationary bales of hay to begin with.

*raises an eyebrow and smiles sweetly*

I beg your pardon. You're the one who mentioned getting knocked down. I just assumed it happened to you.


Magical eye notwithstanding, if you can hit a target behind you with an arrow, I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to call you Mad-Eye Robin Hood.


auror_a_moody January 17 2007, 16:18:27 UTC
*scowls in return*

*voice gravelly*
Hay, hmm? Alright, well that should be easy enough.

*growls, pointedly*
Knocked backward, I said. Not knocked down. There's a big difference.

Well... Let's see how I do with the target in front of me first, eh?
*growls, adding quickly*
And don't call me Mad-Eye Robin Hood.


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