Hetalia Fan Event Thread 01

Apr 07, 2012 21:00

Event threads logging:
01 | 02 | 03

America: ...
France: ...
America: Wha...

America: "That camera... How is it doing that? Magic?"
England: "America! Stop glaring at my friends! They've kindly volunteered to help us out, and I don't believe they appreciate your gawking!"
France:"Never mind your hallucinations England... what is that supposed to be?"
China: "Western food is confusing. Do you always serve this... thing... at Easter, aru?"
England: "Stop poking at it! It's perfectly delicious hot cross buns alright?"
Canada: "I don't think it's supposed to be that colour..."
England: "Like you would know, America!"
Canada:"... Canada..."
America: "Well I don't know about you, but they don't look hot..."
France: "Or crossed..."
China: "Or bun like at all, aru."
England: "Oh shut it! I go to all the trouble making this party and look at the thanks I get!"
America : Well I told everyone that I should host the party!
France: "Oh shhh... I'm sure England's party will be most magnificent!
England: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Japan: "Excuse me, England-san... but your disagreement is being broadcast through the stream now. It seems you have not had the camera taken off you."
England: Wh-what? Oh, this is your fault France!
France: Don't blame me England! It was Germany who took the vote for who had to host this party~
England: "I still think you rigged that thing... but huh..."
England:"Hmmm... that reminds me. Where is Germany? And Italy for that matter.
China: "It is strange of Germany not to be punctual, aru."
America: "I'm sure they're fine! Probably on their way here now"
England: "I suppose..."

Austria: "This? It is of vital importance! You see... I have encountered quite a dilemma..."
Hungary: "A dilemma indeed!"
Germany: "Wh-what is going on? Hungary? Austria?"
Italy: "I like that skirt! It's very pretty!"
Austria: "Uh... thank you Italy."
 Hungary: "Thank you! It's mine, you see~"
Germany: "Then why is...?"
Austria: "..."
Hungary: "Speak up dear! He can't hear you if you mumble!"
Austria: "I seem to have misplaced my -"
Hungary: "His underwear has gone missing!"
Germany: "So what did you need to ask me?"
Austria: "Might you have any extra underwear?"
Germany: "..."

Austria is Still Classy in a Skirt!

France: "So... no Germany, or Italy... or Austria or Hungary? And burnt buns? Very impressive!"
England: "They'll show up soon! And those buns are delicious! Here America, try one!"
America: "No thanks dude..."
America: "You know, the food would have been better if I'd hosted the party."
Canada:  "We took a vote..."
France: "And England won! Fair and square!"
England: "Fair and square my -"
Japan: "England-san! Please, not on camera!"

England:" Now you've gone and embarrassed me on camera! Ugh, I never wanted to host this stupid party in the first place!"
France: "Well, now you've just called your own party stupid in front of all the viewers...

England: "Wh-what was that?"
France: "I'm sure it was nothing of concern!"
America: "Hey don't change the subject! Listen to me!"
Canada: "It's ok America... let's just let them talk..."

France: "It's surprising to see you wear a suit other than that tacky brown one you've had for over century."
England: "Don't be ridiculous. Just because I don't happen to waste my money on a new outfit every day like you do, doesn't mean my clothes are that old. Besides, it's a formal affair. I'm not going to wear my suit from work."
France: "You usually come in some other tacky outfit to everyone else's parties."
England: "I already told you, it's a formal affair. Everyone is wearing a suit so-"
France: "Not everyone."

Request fills:
America driving in the UK
East Asia interacting with a dinosaur

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