Chit Chat Thread 106

Jan 22, 2013 15:41

Please follow the community's rules when commenting.

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Comic Birz y 30 Dec '12)

Scanlation available at the Hetalia main comm

Hetalia season 5 news y 30 Nov '12)

link list available at Hetalia main comm

Links to the previous threads:
01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
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101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Events status report

Christmas Even on hiatus until further notice
Fan-made Easter Even on hiatus until further notice


Based on the community poll, we have a new rule. When posting images, please keep them under 650px in width AND height. If you're unsure how to do the see the comm rules for details. Thank you! ^^


In the event that you need to post anything that will extend the length of the post, an image that can squick many members, or spoiler about a series, please use this code:

[Spoiler]The text in here will be hidden

This code will hide anything placed inside the tags in comment posts, which will only be revealed once someone clicks on the title that is shown in your post.


Do not panic. Due to the amount of spams popping out across LJ communities (especially this one). We'll allow this anonymous later when all the spam bots have calmed their spam down.


To those who will or have already received Fandomly Christmas cards should remember to show us their cards and guess the sender(s) in the Christmas Cards Exchange Thread.

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