This is kind of a double wank, about two things that have been bothering me lately.
The first (and main) wank comes to me after I was looking through some entries on APH Headcanon on tumbler. This post is largely provoked by the responses I saw to one piece of headcanon in particular on the site.
Wank under the cut )
Comments 23
Or something. I don't know. I honestly don't understand why this is even an issue. The same goes for headcanon. There are some headcanons that I don't like at all, but the easy solution to that problem is to let people with those ideas have fun in their sandbox while I play in mine.
For example, I've seen lots of people say that they can't imagine Romano drinking beer, ever, because it's too German. I disagree with that, but that's not the end of the world. It's just not an important
THIS ^. If you don't like someone elses head-canon, then don't adopt it.
seriously, though. you want to identify with the characters, right? make them virgins you'll feel right at home, you can even substitute their name for your own and it will be like reading about yourself. seriously though the virginity fixation is fetishistic in nature and as long as people admit it, it's 0k.
honestly the only thing i dislike about this is the debates. like, "none of the nations are virgins because no one can go centuries without sex", "nations can be virgins because time passes differently for them", "nations are superhuman and thus have better self control despite the lack of motive for chastity", "these two can't be virgins because they canonically boned -point out insignificant detail that barely hints at concupiscent relations if at all-"
This is an insult to asexuals, too. *cough*
This is a supplement about what you said : thus, if both sides can't cooperate then that's not good at all. It will only stir more drama. Oh and just because you prefer to see X character male because you want to =/= misogyny, btw. That's part of NZ wank.
And wow... virginity wank ? I didn't know it was so violent even though I really don't care if they've sex in their life. I must admit that I'm a bit bothered by Italy "saving himself for HRE", however. Did it go as far as virgin-shaming ?
Totally random but one time someone on tumblr reblogged a random post since I mentioned the phrase virgin-shaming and then they wrote "virgin-shaming, omg" as if a phrase like that doesn't even exist? OTL /coolstorybro
From what I can gather though it happens both ways, I've seen both slut-shaming and virgin-shaming when it comes to these characters. Its kind of funny though because I see a lot of slut-shaming towards the female characters but a lot of virgin-shaming towards the male characters 8I
bcuz seychele get in da wai of mai prucious usuk fruk n fuq shes such a slut lol
I'm not that aware of the slut-shaming of the female characters (except Nyotalia wank) but both are... yeah... unfounded... Why can't we just scroll past over it and get on, people ?
^lol actually yeah, anyone who calls Seychelles a slut pretty much does so for this reason @_@
I've mostly seen people call Seychelles and the Nyotalias sluts but yeah I wish people would just scroll past things they don't like orz
So yeah I don't get it either orz
As for the Virginity thing, I've seen it go both ways so its generally like this:
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I mean I suppose there's a bit of truth to that (how world-wise a character is?) but beyond that I'm not too sure why there's so much obsession on characters' virginity. Isn't there so much to their personality besides this one thing?
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