[part three: fill] World Financial Crisis Gangbang [World/America, ensemble]

Jan 12, 2010 23:07

Title: World Financial Crisis Gangbang (Mediafire RAR), (Mediafire ZIP)
Author: may_chan
Type: Art.
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: World/America (England, France, N. Italy, S. Italy, Germany, Prussia, Japan, China, Russia / America), Canada
Rating: 3 Stars

Original Request: It's all America's fault, or so the world sentiment seems to be. Show me America getting punished for causing this global recession. A sadistic gangbang or countries taking turns, just so long as there's more than one and America is utterly screwed. Make him bleed.

Notes: Explicit rape, gangbang, OOC-ness, mild bondage, mild violence, blood, This fill has also generated many spin-offs, sequels, and variations by different anons than this comic's author. All of these can be found under the "financial crisis gangbang" tag.

Summary: The global recession is plaguing every nation: someone has to pay. The world is going to show America their great ...displeasure at this economic downturn. And they're not holding back in their punishment.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Question/Answer Forum to Ask Questions or Comment Anonymously -- Forum.
- Original Kink Meme post -- Parts 1 - 14, Parts 15 - 34***

***Please be aware that many of the picture links in the original fill lead only to error pages and working links are hidden deep in the comment threads.

k:non-consensual, d:financial crisis gangbang, p:america/miscellaneous, f:part 03, g:ensemble, c:america, f:art, a:de-anoned, p:nation/world, f: ★★★

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