[part nine: fill] Woes of a Dungeon Master [ensemble]

Nov 25, 2010 19:39

Title: Woes of a Dungeon Master
Author: Anon.
Type: Fic.
Status: Incomplete.
Characters, Pairings: England, Russia, America, Canada, France, China.
Rating: 1 Star.

Original Request: A group of the Nations get together in secret to partake in the darkest of all pastimes: Dungeons and Dragons. (The group should include Canada and America in some way, but the other members are up to you.) They meet in secret, and try to keep it on the down low, but whether that succeeds or not is up to the author!anon.

Preferred versions of DnD are 3rd, 4th, and d20 modern

"My Dice Are Cursed!" Bonus: Someone rolls well at first, but later on rolls like crap. (This happens to me way too often)
"Look! I Have Boobs!" Bonus: A male players has a female character, for luls.
"I Have The Power!" Bonus: The Dungeon Master (DM) is someone who is not normally in a position of power, and enjoys his/her power, but not in an abusive way. However, said DM has no qualms about killing stupid players if needed.
"Real to Life" Bonus: One of the players succeeds in creating themselves perfectly in-game
"The DM Likes Chocolate Chip Cookies. Just Sayin'" Bonus: Someone succeeds in bribing the DM. Another player tries right after, and not only fails, but gets a cursed item given to them.
"That. Was. STUPID. EPIC, but STUPID" Bonus: Dumb death. Like, face/palm death.
"Girls Can't Play DnD!" Bonus: One of the players is female. And she kicks ass at it.
"Hax0r" Bonus: Someone exploits loopholes to come up with a totally hax character. (My DM does this a lot.)
"CAN I HAVE A MOUNTAIN DEW?" Bonus: Cheetos and Mountain Dew. 'Nuff said.
"I Cast Magic Missile" Bonus: Any references from The Dead Alewives DnD sketch are a +1 bonus per.
"The SHADOW?!" Bonus: Any references from The Gamers or The Gamers II are a +1 bonus per.
"Sleep Is For Pussies" Bonus: The DnD sessions start to cut into other things, like eating, sleeping, and meetings.
"Exalted Combat" Bonus: Otherwise known as, "The Battle To End All Battles". Probably the last fight for the campaign, and it should be brutally awesome. Also, if the line, "This might take 100 dice, 20 minutes, and 3 looks at the rulebook, but it's going to end in awesome," appears in there somewhere.

Summary: Dungeons and Dragons: a truly maddening game.

Miscellaneous Links:
- YouTube -- An 8-Bit Reenactment of Dungeons and Dragons

c:canada, c:china, f: ★, c:russia, d:no pairing, c:america, g:allied powers, c:england, c:france, f:part 09, d:games/sports

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