[part six: fill] Forbidden Spice [Canada, fem!America, France, Prussia, ensemble]

Sep 29, 2010 01:04

Title: Forbidden Spice
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Incomplete
Characters, Pairings: Canada->fem!America, Canada/France, Canada/Ukraine, OC!Ireland->Canada, Prussia, ensemble
Rating: 2 Stars

Original Request: Inspired by this video [see below].

Basically I want to be Canada as the blond boy a.k.a Len (which might be totally OOC, but putting that aside). And is lusting after his sibling - preferably Fem!America or even just America, who likes "Nation-tan's name."

Bonus: Gakuen Hetalia setting
Bonus2: The story kinda syncs with the PV.

Notes: Alternate Universe, genderbend.

Summary: Matthew has no problem getting dates, male or female - but his sister's the one he really wants.

- Parts 10 - 12 / END

Miscellaneous Links:
- YouTube -- "Spice" by Len Kagamine (Video has been removed)

p:canada/original nation, c:original nation, c:canada, k:genderbend, c:america, k:incest, p:nation/original nation, f: ★★, p:america/canada, c:ukraine, c:prussia, f:part 06, g:ensemble, p:canada/france, p:canada/ukraine, c:france, d:alternate universe - gakuen hetalia

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