Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Canadian Spice anonymous September 30 2009, 18:26:37 UTC

Inspired by the Len Kagamine's song "Spice" (
OP wanted Canada as Len lusting after his sibling, Femme!America (Rin), while she likes another nation (Kaito).


Forbidden Spice [1/?] anonymous September 30 2009, 18:30:39 UTC
Matthew knew he had to be dreaming. For one his sister Allie was there, another thing was she was smiling just for him. It's been ages since Allie really smiled just for him. Matthew walked up to Allie and pulled her into an embrace. Allie hesitantly pulled out and looked into Matthew's amethyst eyes, "Matthew, I ( ... )


Forbidden Spice [2/?] anonymous September 30 2009, 18:34:09 UTC
Matthew's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand gently trace his spine up and down ( ... )


Forbidden Spice [3/?] anonymous September 30 2009, 18:37:25 UTC
"Oh I see mon cher," Francis replied.

"Yeah, they were alone in the classroom and that British dirt bag had his filthy paws all over my sister," Matthew said in a disgusted tone. "All the images and sounds they make. It won't get out of my head now."

"Do you love your sister?" Francis asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love my sister!" Matthew exclaimed.

"Non, non mon cher. I mean are you in love with your sister?" Francis said emphasizing to make sure Matthew got what he meant this time ( ... )


Author's Note anonymous September 30 2009, 18:39:04 UTC
OP I'm sorry that this is so late. I have actually a lot of it hand written out now, but yet to type it all up. Actually I'm pretty much done with it at this point. It's matter of me not getting distracted and typing it all up, and not getting busy/ overwhelmed with school and cosplay. Hopefully I can update this relatively regularly since I have most of it written out, but something seems to like to always come up and prevent me from writing as much as I like to.

I just hope this is to your liking more than anything actually. XDDDDDDD

Anyway, I incorporated both these PVs of Spice ( and ( for this fill. And I'm doing my best to reference the vids as much as I can into this fill without disrupting the flow of the story.


Op 8D anonymous October 3 2009, 22:06:56 UTC
La ~ that was a good start :Db LOL@France and Canada's relationship... Because hell they understand each other pretty well, don't they?

Can't wait for moar~


Forbidden Spice [4/?] anonymous October 4 2009, 18:27:46 UTC
Matthew just loved his sister like any other brother would. Just because he said "yes" to all of Francis' questions, it doesn't mean he is in love with Allison. He could just be an overprotective brother who adores his sister. Is that too hard to believe? Francis had to be crazy to even think he was in love with his sister. It was such an inane idea. There was no way in hell he could be in love with Allison.

"Non-discriminatory love," Matthew scoffed. Part of Matthew wondered why he put up with Francis, but he knew why. Aside from being there from the beginning of his high school career, and help making Matthew who he is today, Matthew knew Francis was an irreplaceable part of his life. Even if he didn't love him, there was satisfaction whenever he was with him or with him ( ... )


Re: Forbidden Spice [4/?] anonymous October 4 2009, 18:53:43 UTC

Jealousoverprotective!Matt and Fem!Al are some of my top kinks. You know me well, anon! <33 F5 like crazy because I have to life. XDD;;

reCAPTCHA: 20 tudor (oh dear, recaptcha wants more of Arty it seems)


i think i c wut u did that anonymous October 5 2009, 04:15:32 UTC
"sounded more like an excuse Francis came up with for himself when he was caught molesting a gazebo"

LMFAO. Reference to this fill?
(I'll laugh if that's a total coincidence, though.)

Anyways, totally looking forward to the next chapter~ good job so far, anon.


Forbidden Spice [5/?] anonymous October 5 2009, 08:16:32 UTC
Matthew looked at his watch; it was 7:34, and that meant the cafeteria would be open, and serving breakfast now, so he decided to make his way over there. When Mathew arrived at the cafeteria he went up to the kitchen staff and ordered some pancakes. When they finished cooking his meal, Matthew sat down at a vacant table taking what the school liked to call "maple syrup" when it was pale in comparison to the real thing from the maple trees in Canada, and poured it all over his pancakes, drowning them in the sweet flavoring even more so than usual ( ... )


Author's Note anonymous October 5 2009, 08:18:39 UTC
Author!Anon obviously likes working on this fill too much to be updating at 4 o'clock in the morning and like not even 24 hours later from the last update. What can I say? I really enjoy Denial!Mattie crushing so hard on his sister. XDDDDDDD

More than half way through of everything I have hand written now apparently. Next update with include a very awesome character. if that doesn't give it away I don't know what will Hopefully I can get another update by the end of the day or tomorrow. But I have been neglecting some homework that shall be now due tomorrow, so we'll just have to see. XDDDDDDD ( ... )


Re: Author's Note anonymous October 5 2009, 13:18:05 UTC
have you read the France/rock fill? or the Fourteen Frances/Canada fill? they are on equal levels of awesome with the gazebo fill :)


Re: Author's Note anonymous October 5 2009, 21:39:09 UTC
Go go anon! I'm loving the jealous!Matt. <3 (don't hurt yourself, Matt! D8)
oh god you guys are talking about my first fill Dx this is embarrassing...


Re: Author's Note anonymous October 6 2009, 03:29:49 UTC
I - I feel bad enjoying this fill so much, especially the interactions between Matthew/Francis and Arthur/Allison, since there's obviously going to be a lot of hurt feelings in the future ... but this is a really great read~

Keep on writing, anon! Now I need to go find out what Vocaloid is while I wait for the next part. :x


Re: Author's Note anonymous October 6 2009, 04:36:26 UTC
Vocaloid = a computer program that sings :>


Forbidden Spice [6/?] anonymous October 6 2009, 08:51:10 UTC
Matthew decided to finish his breakfast on the rooftop of the cafeteria building in order to not be disturbed by his peers-especially by Allison and Arthur. Matthew leaned against the brick building with his tray on his lap as he took a bit of his pancakes ( ... )


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