Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Forbidden Spice [3/?] anonymous September 30 2009, 18:37:25 UTC
"Oh I see mon cher," Francis replied.

"Yeah, they were alone in the classroom and that British dirt bag had his filthy paws all over my sister," Matthew said in a disgusted tone. "All the images and sounds they make. It won't get out of my head now."

"Do you love your sister?" Francis asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I love my sister!" Matthew exclaimed.

"Non, non mon cher. I mean are you in love with your sister?" Francis said emphasizing to make sure Matthew got what he meant this time.

"H-how could you even think that?!" Matthew yelled. "She's my sister!"

"As I said before, non-discriminatory love," Francis stated. "Whether the person is a boy or girl, Caucasian, Black or Asian, and even your own sibling, it does not matter in this non-discriminatory love."

"I'm not in love with Allison," Matthew replied. "I can't be!"

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that not me," Francis replied. "Do you get really upset when you see Allison with other men? Does she make you feel like no other? Does just seeing her smile make your day? These are all signs of being in love."

"I'm going back to my dorm," Matthew said after a brief period of silence between the two.

"This late? If you're caught outside you'll get detention for sure, mon cher," Francis said.

"I'll be cautious," Matthew replied. "But thanks for being concerned."

"I'll just see you at lunch then," Francis said, laying back down in bed.

"Yeah," Matthew replied. He quickly buttoned his shirt back on, and grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. Matthew kept his eyes peeled for any night watch shift faculty and teachers; he got back to his dorm without any problems at all. He quietly opened his dorm room door to make sure he didn't wake up his roommate, Toris Lorinaitis. When Matthew closed the door behind him the lights flicked on and Matthew jumped turning around to see Toris sitting up in his bed.

"You know Miss Allison was worried about you when she stopped by and I told her you weren't here," Toris stated. "You just got over your cold, you shouldn't be gallivanting late at night."

"Look, I don't want to talk about what I was doing or Allie right at this moment," Matthew grunted, getting into bed. "Night."

"Night," Toris replied, not really sure of what else to say to his roommate. Whenever Allison was worried (though she would never really show it), Toris felt compelled to help her out like she has for him so many times in the past with Ivan.

Toris reached over to his nightstand and turned the light off, and went back to sleep. He could deal with whatever problem Matthew was having later when the sun was up, and they both had a clear mind. What mattered now is that he was in the room safe and sound.

Matthew on the other hand, couldn't get back to sleep. His mind kept going to back to what Francis has said to him earlier that night.

Do you get really upset when you see Allison with other men?

Does she make you feel like no other?

Does just seeing her smile make your day?


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