[part five: fill] Eggshells [America/North Italy, England, Germany, ensemble]

Sep 10, 2010 21:10

Title: Eggshells
Author: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Complete
Characters, Pairings: America/North Italy, England, Germany, ensemble
Rating: 1 star

Original Request: America/Italy, past Gertalia and UK/US if you want, present times.

America is frustrated about his constant fights with the UK, and noticing that the special relationship they have isn't as special as he would like it. Italy is frustrated because neither him nor Germany can seem to sort their feelings out, and that he can't see Germany as anything more than a friend after all these years.

The two of them end up bumping into each other at some point, and both end up confiding to the other about their problems. And since they're good friends and optimistic idiots, they decide they'll spend the whole day together as buddies to get their minds off of their relationship issues and be happy. And well, they realize how much they enjoy the others company, so they hangout more and more often until their 'hangout time' slowly morphs into 'dates' and you get the idea right?

Just give me some fluff and humor with my two favorite lovable idiots. Smut is not required, but hey, who doesn't love it?

-Romano and Canada are the first that actually catch on in the beginning, and totally support it
-American-Italian relations and politics can be mentioned if you want
-Germany and England are very suspicious, and one or both decides to follow them during one of their rendezvouses

Summary: Discontent with the way their relationships with England and Germany teeter on the brink of romance without ever crossing that line, America and Italy find happiness in each other's company.

Miscellaneous Links:
- Sequel -- Feathers (2 stars)

f:part 05, p:america/north italy, c:north italy, f: ★, g:ensemble, c:america, c:england, c:germany

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