Corrected VisionAuthor: Anon
Type: Fic
Status: Unfinished
Characters, Pairings: America, Austria, Sweden, Estonia, Canada, Mongolia, Thailand, Russia, Belarus, Finland; cameo by OC!South Africas and OC!Svalbard; (hints of) England/France, ensemble
Rating: 1 star
Original Request: You know what America, Canada, Austria, Sweden, and Estonia all have in common? The answer is: glasses. What if all them got mixed-up and has one another's glasses and switched personalities? Its up to anon!writer to decide who becomes who!
Notes: Thailand and Mongolia also included.
Summary: In another instance of England's magic misfiring, seven nations (Sweden, America, Canada, Austria, Estonia, Mongolia and Thailand) switch glasses. What happens next is... rather confusing. Can England fix this before Sealand gets scarred for life or Thailand takes over the world?
Parts 4a - 4f