[Mod Post] - Here we go again, OCD at its finest

Nov 13, 2009 22:12

Okay, I may have gone a little overboard this time... So I went on another one of my insane organization binges to avoid doing homework, because the other day I was trying to find subbed episodes and had to wade through a bunch of stuff. This time I separated the "anime" tag into the following ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

graycat21 November 14 2009, 06:55:03 UTC
Unfortunately, all the suggestions I would like to make are very time consuming and/or too difficult, considering how LJ tagging works.

I always find it difficult to do searches for fanfiction...I have heard other people have the same problems. I would like to see paring tags such as Fanfiction:GermanyxItaly...or something to that effect,though I don't know how realistic that would be.


wiccat November 14 2009, 07:08:01 UTC
Oh wow... Yeah, just the thought of going through the fanfics tags makes me want to cry. Having a tag for each pairing would probably clutter up the tags page like crazy, since there are so many pairing options. I think the best solution is just making sure the fic writers include the character tags when they post, that way, you can at least browse via one half of your pairing of choice.


shinraisei November 14 2009, 09:30:45 UTC
Plus, have to keep in mid the limit for tags...forgot what that is now but I used to frequent a great comm where *everything* was tagged and given subgroups. But it took volunteers and mods who were in different time zones to work together to put it all together (And the comm actively helped in the correct tagging of posts in case someone thought or said 'Eep! I think this is tagged right? If so, please correct me!' or something)

It's doable, but takes a lot of time D8

Pity you couldn't do a 'Search LJ [blog/community] by the following tags:' and you select which of the community's tags you'd like to filter your results by.


heavyarms November 14 2009, 07:15:30 UTC
How 'bout using an index, like Delicious.com? I've tried using it, and I find it's very convenient for multiple searches, especially for fanfics and fanart. Then again, that might defeat the purpose of the Tags page... >_< Umph, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, too.


wiccat November 14 2009, 07:18:27 UTC
I've only recently started using Delicious.com, but that's a fairly good idea. I'll bring it up to Youko and see if that's do-able. Well, at least for fic and/or art. I don't suppose we might get some volunteers to do that, I'm not sure I can procrastinate THAT long!


heavyarms November 14 2009, 14:23:21 UTC
I can help, I guess. I suffer from chronic OCD too. And procrastination.xD But really, in spite of the numbers of fics and art we have here, I think the indexing can be done in a few hours with proper organization.


pseudo_tsuga November 17 2009, 06:08:49 UTC
I'd volunteer! I organize my bookmarks on delicious enough that I ought to use my skills for the good of others. =)


hagane_no_mame November 14 2009, 10:34:13 UTC
I would like to suggest putting the tag list back at the side like how it was before the layout change. The list would be very long and may look uglier but it's convenient.

I found it to be very helpful to be able to see all the tags at the side along with the tagged posts. This way people can see from others' examples how to properly tag similar posts and it gives people who don't know the correct tags to use offhand when posting no excuse to not learn them because they are always on the front.

Also, why do we need a tag for... tag? It's been used 5 times and 4 out of the 5 it was irrelevant. The "create-a-character" seems to be useless too since OC characters are not allowed here.


spazzimidori November 14 2009, 13:37:31 UTC
Also, why do we need a tag for... tag? It's been used 5 times and 4 out of the 5 it was irrelevant.

All 4 from the same person to boot. xD


wiccat November 14 2009, 16:58:10 UTC
I'd love to be able to put the tag list back, but unfortunately, it seems this particular layout doesn't allow for that. When I have time (I really should write my paper soon...) I'll poke around and see if there's a way around it. Or if anyone is good at layouts and can give me suggestions, I'll gladly work with them on a solution.

I didn't even notice the "tag" tag... What the hell, I didn't make that one XD Don't worry about it, I'll delete that one. I'm not sure what the "create-a-character" one is for, so I'll ask and look into it. Thanks!


tanya_tsuki November 14 2009, 17:11:11 UTC
I could be wrong, but I vaguely recall the create-a-character being introduced for use in screencaps of Hetalia-themed characters in The Sims and similar games


amygirl November 14 2009, 15:04:58 UTC
This addition makes me happy as I was on a mission for screencaps the other day and gave up after scrolling aimlessly through two pages worth of the anime tag. I assume that means there isn't many of them posted but this will make such searches a lot easier in the future so thanks!

I really wish LJ had a system that allowed you plug in more then one tag to search through posts that included both. It would make searching for fic with a specific pairing or even just looking for stuff posted in the official blog pretaining to a certain character so much easier. But that's a LJ thing not a com issue so just ignore my whine... *snerks*


kawaii_fungus November 14 2009, 22:43:50 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! That'll be a great help!


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