[Mod Post] - Here we go again, OCD at its finest

Nov 13, 2009 22:12

Okay, I may have gone a little overboard this time... So I went on another one of my insane organization binges to avoid doing homework, because the other day I was trying to find subbed episodes and had to wade through a bunch of stuff. This time I separated the "anime" tag into the following:

Anime: Preview - please use this tag for audio or pic previews of episodes
Anime: Raw - exactly what it says
Anime: Subbed - ditto
Anime: Other - use this tag for anything that doesn't fit in the other categories, like screencaps or gifs made from an episode.

The anime tag is strictly for entries related to anime episodes. There is a separate tag for fandubs. AMVs and other edited material that isn't a released sub needs to go under "vids" (which I will probably organize the next time I feel like procrastinating...) Also, I noticed that there were a lot of mis-tagged entries. There is a "goods" tag for merchandise, including scans from magazines (might have to organize that too). I'm not sure if this is a bit TOO segregated... I might go back later and just combine the "preview" and "other" categories...

And as always, please remember to tag your posts. It only takes a few extra clicks and it makes all our browsing lives easier. Any further suggestions on how to improve browsing and searching the community is welcome. Thanks!

community: mod

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