The Vietnam war

Dec 31, 2008 20:17

Im gonna try and enlighten you on the Vietnam war, what it was, blah blah blah. Well, at least how it got started and who was involved.

Ok so this ones a little personal for me. I’m full Vietnamese (my family came from the south) and my grandma still lives in Vietnam. I just thought I should learn more about the Vietnam War, why it started, why other countries joined. I didn’t really know anything about it before I did this so I guess it’s pretty cool that this fandom has inspired me to learn more.
Alrighty so before I started researching and even during the beginning of my research I figured Vietnam would be pretty…well…moe. I mean seriously it’s been like invaded and taken over by other countries a few times and for LONG periods of time.

For instance in 1847, France bombarded Đà Nẵng in response to the persecution of Roman Catholic missionaries that took place in Vietnam.
In August 1858, Napoleon Í (this guy is like everywhere in history) ordered his troops to begin colonizing the area. It was renamed Tourane in French.

THEN Japan invaded Vietnam on September 22 1940 in an attempt to build military bases to fight against the Allies in Southeast Asia.

After Vietnam was occupied by the Axis power, a large-scale resistance movement developed in the country, Ho Chi Minh waged a guerilla attack against the Japanese. This was even before the Axis powers lost the war so Vietnam was pretty ballsy.

America helped out too, although I don’t exactly know what they did.

This “resistance” caused a few problems for the Axis powers. They beat them so bad Japan started supporting Vietnam. Ok not really, on March 1945 Japan basically knew they’d lose so they overthrew the French authorities in Vietnam (these authorities stayed in power even when Japan was there) and made Vietnam "independent" under Japanese "protection". They even encouraged Vietnamese nationalism, I see this as a last ditch attempt to stick it to the Allies, Mainly France.

As soon as the WWII ended, Vietnam proclaimed sovereignty. But they had to fight for it AGAIN. This time a “war of independence” against the French, who decided to come back after the war to reclaim their colony. Except Vietnam was like yeah I don't thinks so. The First Indochina War was fought mainly in North Vietnam, it ended when the French were decisively defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Heck yeah Vietnam.

Now in 1954 we have the Geneva Accords which was meant to settle the war. It would split the country at the 17th parallel, with the Viet Minh (Ho Chi Minh) in control of the north using a communist party and a non-communist state would be formed in the south under Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem. This division was to last until 1956.

Lulz what a BRILLIANT plan *facepalm*.

North Vietnam was pretty bad@$$. They were the ones who basically won Vietnam's independence.

South not so much. They were weaker militarily, plus they had a lot of corrupt officials but they didn't want to be communist (at least the higher ups didn't, it's hard to find the opinions of the vietnamese people during this time. In BOTH parts.)

Ho (ahahaha) launched a guerilla campaign in South Vietnam, led by Viet Cong units, with the goal of uniting the country under communist rule. Surprising absolutely no one.

Badadada. Here’s where the posse comes in.

The United States wanted to STOP the spread of communism, so they trained the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and provided military advisors to help fight off the guerillas.

This is my OTP btw...I know. Obviously this has NOTHING to do with the fact that im vietnamese american. The relationship is kind of complicated but seriously they're countries, they all have weird relationships.

ahaha I thought it was funny how these two huge countries decided to help out this little island. Russia's just happy he has friends now.

Russia and China were trying to help SPREAD communism. The Russians sent at least several hundred troops to Hanoi early during the war to help train the NVAs and China sent troops and aircraft in as well. The Soviets supplied the North Vietnamese with SAMs (missles), guns, and many other weapons. Although their weaponry was inferior to American technology, the SAMs did do damage.

So here we’ve got these major countries seemingly fighting over the fate of this one small country. What they really wanted to do however was spread their ideology.

ALSO unlike popular belief (I myself thought this). The US did NOT lose the war, south Vietnam lost it…badly. We pulled out of South Vietnam because public opinion during that time was mainly against it. Had the U.S. stayed, I think South Vietnam could have won the war despite having many corrupt officials and the weaker army between the two parts.

So yeah basically this is how it went down, sorry for the sketchyness of my drawings i only used a mechanical pencil so it smudges. Also I know I shouldn't blame my scanner but I swear it can be a Bi$%^ on my drawing sometimes.


-china, fan: art, -russia

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