[Mod Post] New Mods and Queued Entries

Mar 28, 2012 11:45

Hello! wiccat appointed me as one of the new mods, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Tara--I used to(and should really update this) post the wmv raws for people who only had WMM to make AMVs with. I'm around, oh, all day for the most part, Saturday being the exception. Never around on Saturdays ( Read more... )

community: mod

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Comments 33

fh14 March 28 2012, 16:16:13 UTC
If you see anything from me in there don't bother posting it - I'm pretty sure all of them would be horribly outdated by this point.

That being said, congrats on the mod position!


tarafishes March 28 2012, 16:20:48 UTC
Understood. There was actually only one thing from you in there(Taiwan's character song's name,) so everything else must've gone through!


fh14 March 28 2012, 20:04:31 UTC

Also I made this post a while back and I'd still be willing to update it if it becomes necessary. (or maybe there'll be a new post to keep track of that idek, just thought I'd throw that out there). :/


tarafishes March 28 2012, 20:14:26 UTC
I've changed the sidebar link and removed the Scanlations Request link, as well. Maybe make a list of untranslated things, too and put it on there? Like the Volume 4 profiles.


jammerlea March 28 2012, 16:30:53 UTC
Congratulations, Tara~

I think I had a post for that Taiwan song too, so you can ignore that too. XD; Good luck going through that moderation queue, it sounds like a big job.

Also thank you for the raw archive! I had been going through the episode links on my site and so many of them don't work, so I was linking to your raw archive to replace them. It really helps. ;w;


tarafishes March 28 2012, 16:33:36 UTC
Thank you very much!(and I just now realized I didn't thank fh14, thank you as well!)

Understood! I'll delete it once I reach it. There were actually only some 30 things in it! I was surprised, pleasantly.

You're welcome! ;o; I'm glad I could help! I'll try to have it updated soon, just in case some more of yours don't work? I actually have all of them done on my computer. . .I just never got around to putting them on MF and my journal, haha. . . .


jammerlea March 28 2012, 16:43:06 UTC
I look forward to that! I think I do have some eps I'm missing raws links to, so that would be great.


okfan March 28 2012, 16:34:54 UTC
Congrats on the mod position!

I had posted a scanlation (Subject Title: [Scanlation] Clean Green) awhile back (around March 1st) that I've managed to post by other means, so it can be taken out of the queue.

Also, I think there is a way around it. Things with links that aren't LJ links need to be white listed, they aren't automatically white listed by LJ, so each individual community needs to go through and add those websites (like MediaFire) to their list of white listed domains.

The feature can also be turned off, apparently.


tarafishes March 28 2012, 16:47:47 UTC
Thank you!

Alright, I'll remove your post as well. Thank you for telling me!

Really? Honestly, LJ. . .but I'll add things to the whitelist, once I'm done going through the queue. Thanks for letting me know!

That's already unchecked, actually. So it shouldn't be happening at all. . . . I guess that doesn't work for entries, just comments? Frustrating.


jammerlea March 28 2012, 17:17:52 UTC
The actual settings for moderating posts are under: Communities > Manage > [community] > Settings > Community Moderation. (I was just looking for it myself.)

I had gotten a message from wiccat saying she turned off the moderation, so hopefully this comm won't have too much more trouble in this area. Until LJ mucks with things again. =x=;


tarafishes March 28 2012, 17:21:00 UTC
Yeah, I found it. Everything there seemed to be in order. . .maybe Wiccat turned everything back to normal.

She told me moderation was already off, unless they put it back on. . .which is. Urgh, LJ really needs to pull itself together. Or at least stop implementing things like that without permission. It's much more hurtful than helpful.


osoroshia March 28 2012, 16:43:00 UTC
I posted this on the 12th, but by now there's really no use for it.


tarafishes March 28 2012, 16:47:00 UTC
Understood. I'll take it off the queue now.


anubismito March 28 2012, 17:16:43 UTC

Now I see why I suddenly saw too many messages here xD :)


tarafishes March 28 2012, 17:22:24 UTC
Thank you!

Haha, yeah. X3 There were only 30 or so entries in there, but it's clean now. I'm considering an entry to be posted in if you get the "queued" message from LJ, unless it stops queuing them now that the settings are off(or were they already off and LJ's just. . .being itself.) But I suppose we'll have to see if it stops queuing things needlessly before I make such an entry.


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