[Mod Post] New Mods and Queued Entries

Mar 28, 2012 11:45

Hello! wiccat appointed me as one of the new mods, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Tara--I used to(and should really update this) post the wmv raws for people who only had WMM to make AMVs with. I'm around, oh, all day for the most part, Saturday being the exception. Never around on Saturdays.

Now onto the important thing: LJ's automatically queuing entries. As I think some of you are aware, for some reason, LJ will automatically queue an entry that has too many(or any, at times!?) links in it! This is not our fault. This is LJ's doing--please don't be mad at us!
It's especially LJ's fault because it apparently won't notify any moderators that things are now in the queue as the settings for moderated postings are off. But don't worry! I'll check the queue every day(if you need me to check it sooner, let me know) and make sure everything goes through. For now, I don't know any workarounds, and for that I apologize. I'll try and look into it.

Now then! In about half an hour or so, I'll be going through the moderation queue and reposting everything in there that hasn't made it through! (Th--the oldest thing in there is from February. . . .) I'm so sorry that some posts will be late because of this. Moderation queue has been cleaned. If your post didn't make it, please check your notifications or emails to say why! It's probably because it was outdated or you managed to post it some other way, so no need to worry too much.

Thank you for complying and please accept my apologies. I'll be going through each entry to ensure that it's not outdated or anything of the sort. If you remember you posted an entry and it didn't go through and you've decided you don't want it going through(or you reposted it and it got through and you'd like to make it easier for me,) please let me know and I'll reject it.

Thank you very much! I'll try and take good care of the comm from now on!

community: mod

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