Feb 26, 2011 13:29

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 5



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Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall anonymous July 3 2009, 02:07:39 UTC
A-Anon here~ :3 Most of you probably know me by now, but I'm still mysterious here, so sssshhhh. XD Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first part of the sequel. Please pardon any errors and read on! :)

The view at the top was certainly spectacular. The sky rolled on for endless miles, the blue reaching the ends of the world and beyond. White wisps trailed along for the journey, though they were often too fickle to make it to the edge of everything, dissipating in their ignorance.

The sun was sinking low in the remaining, persistent clouds, flames licking across the almost miniscule plains below.

Ivan gave an approving sniff of the stiff drink.

Yes, he mentally purred, taking a sip, his view was wonderfulHis breath formed heavy vapor as he exhaled into the cool air, his finest vodka warming him from the inside, burning even. He licked his lips, a smirk spreading across his face ( ... )


Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 2/? anonymous July 3 2009, 02:16:29 UTC
My bad! Forgot the original story and request:
http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/9482.html?thread=12146698#t12146698 Ah, how true answers reveal themselves ( ... )


Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 3/? anonymous July 3 2009, 02:21:48 UTC
“The new order of sunflowers is in,” he said softly, “but one of the maids broke the vase; do we have another ( ... )


OMG OMG OMFG!!!!! anonymous July 3 2009, 02:29:38 UTC
I love sociopath Ivan!


should I even continue to say I'm OP? lol anonymous July 3 2009, 02:45:35 UTC
this not-so-anon!OP doesn't know how to thank you for continuing this wonderful fill!!!

POOR FELI!! He probably haven't had pasta in months or years!
Dang, Ivan doesn't love anyone but himself doesn't he? xD I still love him though
I have to admit, the view he must be seeing seems spectacular in my mind.
I can't wait to see what happens when Alfred breaks his memory loss uhh ... spell!?


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 3/? anonymous July 3 2009, 03:15:37 UTC
I'm so happy you continued it. I can just feel the tension already and I look forward to what you have to offer~

(...and from this point forward, I'll be info!anon so you can identify me. I'm the one who gave the info on de-anoning and how to post on the main comm ♥ )


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 3/? anonymous July 4 2009, 01:16:57 UTC


Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 4/? anonymous July 4 2009, 02:47:33 UTC
A-Anon here; please remember to read the Author's notes at the bottom and pardon any errors; please enjoy :)


Trembling hands gripped at the hard-packed dirt floor, mouth opened in a wordless scream. Eyes, wide and unseeing, stared at the ground, the centers darting about with no heed to what they landed on. His mind was a tape on rewind, no sound, images racing across his consciousness.

There was no stopping it.

The feeling of teeth on his ear, loving murmurs spoken into hair as unrelenting hands mapped his body with their calluses. The softness of a handkerchief wiping his face as he cried, his shaking hands and countenance smeared with the blood of his former comrades.

‘You don’t need them,’ a voice echoed from deep within the memory, ‘They do not have what we possess; all you need is me, my little one.’

Ivan.Alfred emptied the contents of his stomach, sickened to the point where he thought he might die. Even when there was nothing to purge, he continued to heave, wishing he could tear his insides out for what ( ... )


Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 5/? anonymous July 4 2009, 02:57:48 UTC
It was because Smith was a soldier; a soldier fighting for livelihood of America, of Alfred, and the child deserved better.

“He deserved so much better,” Alfred whispered, roughly wiping the tears from his eyes, fumbling for the thin metal chain. Stuffing the tags into his pocket, he reached for his head, massaging his temples as equilibrium slowly returned to him. He just needed to pull all his thoughts together-

Oh shit.

Alfred scrambled to his feet, the dust clouding around him; where did Ivan think he was right now? Wasn’t he not supposed to come in here, or something? He vaguely remembered the Russian mentioning a point akin to that, but his mind was still so fuzzyHe couldn’t find out ( ... )


Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 4 2009, 03:05:07 UTC
“General Alfred, sir,” the man said, giving him a crisp, firm salute, “Your presence is requested by Master General Braginski. Please follow me, sir ( ... )


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 4 2009, 03:18:27 UTC
info!anon doesn't blame you for not updating on the 4th. Alfred probably wouldn't be very happy with you for writing more of this story on his day of awesomeness :P

That being said, I enjoyed this part. It's interesting that Alfred regained one set of memories only to lose the other, kind of important for survival ones. I'm interested in seeing if Ivan notices a change...and how Alfred will deal with the constant "care and surveillance."

I know it's easy to tell who I am, but I can't believe I de-anoned the first time I posted this comment. I haven't done that in ages D:

lol recaptcha: madman tion

And I nearly unanoned myself again. Why can I not click the stupid button


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 4 2009, 03:42:27 UTC
This is beautiful! I can't wait to see more, even if I have to wait for Sunday. Also have fun on the 4th, don't rush on our account ^_^


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 4 2009, 07:37:35 UTC
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG a sequel!!!
Oh god, and I thought Alfred would be able to escape or at least pretend he did not regain his memories... I like how when he gained his past memories he started to forget his recent ones. Very nice, writer!anon, these plot twists are wonderful.
So just when Alfred was starting to remember... Ivan caught him already lol He was right, Ivan WOULD torture those thoughts out (and why am I so looking forward to that?)

Is it just me, or is Ivan falling for bashful!Alfred (in a twisted and sick way)?

By the way, I adore Ivan's nicknames for Alfred. "My little rebel" "Little one"... so cute....

recaptcha: for endorses; recaptcha approves too.


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 4 2009, 08:07:55 UTC
Well it's already passed midnight so ... HAPPY JULY 4th! 8D

Oh Alfred, he must feel pretty disoriented. He like did a system restore himself with those dog tags didn't he? I wonder if Ivan will find them in his pocket!? So .. so many questions running through my mind!

oh this is OP btw, will be waiting patiently for the next part! Hope A-Anon and everyone else has a nice July 4th!


-speechless not-op anon is speechless- anonymous July 5 2009, 03:59:53 UTC
So I was going through the meme, just kinda looking at stuff, and Feliciano's line at the beginning of Red Ascent caught my eye, so I decided to go back and read Red Fall, so I could come and read this, and anon, I swear to you, I have NEVER made a better decision in my LIFE.

Red Fall sucked me in, and I read all 25 parts at once, then came and read this, and OH MY GOD ANON I JUST DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THIS FILL. I would have been perfectly satisfied with just Red Fall, but there's a SEQUEL and oh Alfred and the dog tags and I never expected Smith to come back like that, and I will NEVER be able to look at the idea of a Russian-American alliance any differently than this.

American!anon, who is reading this on July 4th, can't remember being so pleased over anything on the entire kink meme.

Thank you.


Re: Red Ascent: Sequel to Red Fall 6/? anonymous July 5 2009, 05:48:16 UTC
Can't wait for tommorrow!


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