Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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anonymous April 29 2009, 03:41:15 UTC
N. Italy/Germany/Prussia

Prussia and Italy seduce Germany.

Bonus points for that exact order.


To love, to hold, to fuck things up 8/? anonymous April 30 2009, 16:49:13 UTC
It had taken quite a bit of work, but finally Italy had convinced Prussia that they ought to lie low for a while before initiating their new plan. Germany had shown worrying tendencies to become annoyed with the unusual amount of attention and Italy figured it was best to give him some time to calm down ( ... )


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 8/? anonymous April 30 2009, 19:28:19 UTC

That is all.


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 8/? anonymous April 30 2009, 22:58:55 UTC
This is so wonderful, Anon!
Please, please continue soon since I have fallen in love with your fanfiction.


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 8/? anonymous April 30 2009, 23:47:54 UTC
Ahahahah, anon, I was trying to pick out all the quotes that made me sporfle, and then realized I'd essentially be copy-pasting the whole fic back at you. Which is to say, this is HILARIOUS. I love Italy trying to deal with the combined utter dating fail of Germany and Prussia SO MUCH.


To love, to hold, to fuck things up 9/? anonymous May 1 2009, 09:33:00 UTC
Though Prussia lived in Germany's house nowadays, he also had an apartment of his own. It was required for both their sanity, he explained when Italy asked. Besides, Germany preferred to live in the countryside, but Prussia had always been fonder of having the bustle of people around. If it was in an urban environment or at a busy military camp was less important ( ... )


To love, to hold, to fuck things up 10/? anonymous May 1 2009, 09:34:22 UTC
The third brick was already in Prussia's hand when Germany slammed the front door open and practically fell out of the house. His face was red, his eyes looked about to pop out of his face and (yes!) his hair had sprung free of the usual severe style ( ... )


you rock anonymous May 1 2009, 15:23:54 UTC
*F5's like mad*

I fucking love this fic.


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 10/? anonymous May 1 2009, 15:26:08 UTC
oh Germany you're so silly. Love this and can't wait for more.


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 10/? anonymous May 1 2009, 17:28:21 UTC
"Knock-fucking-knock! You bastard!" he yelled and let another brick fly. Crash-tinkle-thunk went the next window.

I lol'd. XD
More please! This fic is great!


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 10/? anonymous May 2 2009, 02:39:51 UTC
Aww! XD

I loved the, "Knock fucking knock!" line in part 9! And the "Are you gonna let us inside, West, or do I have to knock louder?" had me floored.

I can't wait until you post again! <3


To love, to hold, to fuck things up 11/? anonymous May 2 2009, 09:11:53 UTC
Germany slammed down three large mugs at the kitchen table and then followed up with a steaming pot of hot cocoa. When he was finished, he sat down at the far end of the table and, very pointedly, looked at Italy. Since they had come inside, Germany had pretended Prussia, who currently stood slouched against the door, didn't exist ( ... )


To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 09:13:40 UTC
A constant litany of "oh no, oh no, don't let them kill each other! And most of all, don't let them kill me!" went trough Italy's head as Germany finally lost all control ( ... )


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 13:32:01 UTC
Aw, man, writer!anon you are freakin' awesome! This entire fic is great (brings a grin to my face no matter how many times I read it - well, what's here at the time), but I think those last two lines in this part just stepped ahead of all the brick throwing and bawling of parts 9 and 10.

You've made me realise that they're all their own special brand of EPIC FAIL. Though I don't know who's I find more amusing, Germany's or Prussia's. You write them both (and Italy) so well!

I can't wait until the next part! <3<3<3


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 22:28:38 UTC
You've made me realise that they're all their own special brand of EPIC FAIL.

My mission in life is complete *salutes* XD


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 15:14:49 UTC
The last two lines killed me. I can not wait to read more :D


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