Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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To love, to hold, to fuck things up 11/? anonymous May 2 2009, 09:11:53 UTC
Germany slammed down three large mugs at the kitchen table and then followed up with a steaming pot of hot cocoa. When he was finished, he sat down at the far end of the table and, very pointedly, looked at Italy. Since they had come inside, Germany had pretended Prussia, who currently stood slouched against the door, didn't exist.

"Are you okay?" Germany asked.

Italy sniffled a little and nodded. "Yes, Germany... Are you sure you don't hate us?" His entire being radiated pathetic adorability, even his curly hair was drooping.

"You know I don't hate you, Italy."

Prussia winced, unseen by the other two. His little brother could really be a passive-aggressive shit when he felt like it.

"Look," Prussia said, "it's your own fault for rushing to false conclusions and not even talking to us."
This was a very fair point in his opinion. Unfortunately, so far Germany had ignored him every time he tried to raise it, but he hoped the drink was a peace offering.

"...I don't know what you're going on about," Germany said, without taking his eyes off Italy. Inside Prussia's mind, his troops played a victory salute. Of course, he had always known West couldn't stay angry at his amazing self for long!

"Oh, come on! You were jealous because you thought me and Veneziano here had shacked up together."

Germany harrumphed. "I'm sure Italy would have better taste than that, even if he did prefer men."

"Excuse me? Even if he-" Now, Prussia stalked over to the table and glared down at Italy. "I think you have left out a thing our two from when you told me of that little date in the forties, right, Italy?"

Italy tried to hide behind his cocoa mug.

"Mumblemumble what?" Prussia said and pried the cup from his fingers, ignoring Germany's admonishments that he stop bullying Italy at once. "Speak up, man!"

Italy looked down at his lap and then glanced over at Germany. "I said," he began, "that I usually prefer pretty women. But, ve, perhaps not every time."

Germany was far too large and intimidating a nation to squeak, but otherwise, the sound that escaped him at hearing that would definitely have been classified as a grade A "squeak".

"You, you what? Does that mean," Germany looked up at Prussia and then back at Italy, "you two really have? To- together?" There was something suspiciously teary-eyed about Germany in that moment.

"No, Germany!" Italy immediately said and climbed onto Germany's lap with such speed that the cocoa slopped all over the table. "I love Germany!"
Prussia watched the events with a calculating eye. When Germany began to pat Italy's back awkwardly and the Mediterranean nation stopped sobbing, he nodded to himself. So now things were going back to the way they had been, eh? Well, not as long as Prussia lived and breathed!

"Say, West, out of completely academic interest... What do you just think happened?"

"What?" Germany turned back to his brother. "What are you on about now, Prussia?" He frowned. "Haven't you already made enough of a mess of things for today?"

"I asked," Prussia said through gritted teeth, "what you think just happened. If you want to keep a whole window in this house, you'd better answer!"

"How dare you threaten me!" Germany said and stood awkwardly, still holding Italy. "And you'd better believe you'll have to pay for those windows!"

"Oh? Oh, and who is going to make me, eh?" Prussia smirked and took a cup, slurping down the cocoa with exaggerated care.
"Not muscle-bound, brainless West, who hasn't even figured out that his best friend isn't exactly straight and has been waiting to fuck him for the last, oh, forty-five years?"

This time, Italy was the one who squeaked. Although that may have been less from Prussia's word's and more from the fact that Germany dropped him as he went for his brother with murder in his eyes.



To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 09:13:40 UTC
A constant litany of "oh no, oh no, don't let them kill each other! And most of all, don't let them kill me!" went trough Italy's head as Germany finally lost all control.

It seemed as if plan Love/Liebe/L'amore would fail even more spectacularly than plan C. It may even be the last plan Italy and Prussia hatched together, because as things seemed right now, Germany was soon going to kill his cackling brother.

Wait a minute. Italy frowned and then ducked down beneath the table as the spice-rack went flying through the air.

There was something strange about this fight, if he could just figure it out... Very carefully, Italy stuck his head out again to observe the happenings.

Germany was shaking Prussia by his shirt and yelling incoherently at him. Meanwhile, Prussia's hand snaked along the counter until his hand encountered a large wooden spoon. With a ferocious grin, he whacked Germany over the head with it.

Germany stumbled backwards, but managed to grab hold of a chair and steady himself. Italy almost went back completely under the table when he realized that Germany was actually growling at Prussia.

"Take that, West! Ahahaha- Ooof!"

The chair, made of solid pieces of oak like most of Germany's furniture, was swung with frightening accuracy at Prussia who crashed to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Only moments later, however, he was up again. Soon Prussia was demonstrating some impressive skills in cast-iron pan fighting; he must have picked it up during all those years getting clobbered by Hungary, Italy figured.

Italy went back beneath the table and curled into a small, protective ball. They were going to kill each other. Germany seemed senseless with fury, while Prussia kept laughing and taunting him all the time, as if he'd never had more... fun...

Oh, dear merciful mother of God.

This must be Prussia flirting.


(sorry, op!anon, this may not be your typical seduction, but I am getting there! slowly...)


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 13:32:01 UTC
Aw, man, writer!anon you are freakin' awesome! This entire fic is great (brings a grin to my face no matter how many times I read it - well, what's here at the time), but I think those last two lines in this part just stepped ahead of all the brick throwing and bawling of parts 9 and 10.

You've made me realise that they're all their own special brand of EPIC FAIL. Though I don't know who's I find more amusing, Germany's or Prussia's. You write them both (and Italy) so well!

I can't wait until the next part! <3<3<3


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 22:28:38 UTC
You've made me realise that they're all their own special brand of EPIC FAIL.

My mission in life is complete *salutes* XD


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 2 2009, 15:14:49 UTC
The last two lines killed me. I can not wait to read more :D


author!anon - moved comment thread a bit! anonymous May 2 2009, 17:13:57 UTC
just wanted to alert everyone that I've started posting as threaded comments to chapter one again, because the comments were collapsing and looking all wonky over here...

This way for part 13-16:


Re: To love, to hold, to fuck things up 12/? anonymous May 6 2009, 03:23:22 UTC
"Oh, dear merciful mother of God.

This must be Prussia flirting."

B'AWWWW. ;____;
I love you anon ; 3; *chu*


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