Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Lovingly Untitled [3.1/n] anonymous May 16 2009, 14:38:06 UTC
Anon still feels very grateful to everyone who commented on the last one. Mucho love to all. ♥ Now, here's to hoping that these parts don't suck hardcore.The instant Alfred got assigned to his cottage, which regrettably did not have Ludwig in it, the first thing he did was find his cellphone in the mess that was the inside of his luggages. He threw his clothes everywhere as he dug through his suitcase. When, even after emptying the contents of his suitcase, he still didn't find his phone, he raked his hair with his hand and his eyebrows furrowed. Where could he have put the damn thing ( ... )


Re: Lovingly Untitled [4.2/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 02:13:56 UTC
Thank you anon~!


SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.1/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 13:51:39 UTC
"Um, Alfred?" Matthew said. "What are you doing?"

Maybe it was some bedtime ritual Alfred practiced in his house, but it was really too odd. Too odd.

Currently, Alfred was jumping up and down on his abused mattress. He was also flailing around as he became airborne for a few seconds. He would always make sure that his whole back would hit the bed. To add to all of those, he would also make a whooping sound whenever he fell.

"What?" Alfred asked as he jumped.

"The jumping, why are you doing it?" Matthew asked, fluffing his pillow and glancing at Alfred every now and then to check if he hadn't injured himself. Yet"It's just that it's so boring, you know? Usually, Papa would come to tell me some awesome story about a lady that he'd hit on, or he'd make a joke." He sat on the edge of his bed, fully giving Matthew his attention for what seemed to be the first time that day. "Don't tell me you have a joke or some cool story, huh ( ... )


SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.2/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 13:54:30 UTC
"Sometimes, that's not the case." Matthew vaguely remembered that particular story. "They're in love, but they don't want to stay together." He had never heard the ending ( ... )


SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 13:55:34 UTC

"Hey kids, light's-- Oh," Yao said.

He was just making his nightly rounds to be sure that everyone followed the curfew. This was probably the first cottage he'd ever seen with the occupants actually asleep even though the lights were still on.

He smiled to himself.

Children were such dears when they were asleep.

"Hey hyung, I think the other cottage's having a massive party, I want to join," Yong Soo said as he peeped over Yao's shoulder to see what the man was looking at.

Yao shushed him and went inside the room to turn out the lamp on the table between the two beds.

When both of them went outside, Yong Soo said, "Reminds you of the old days, huh, hyung?"

Yao looked at the moon and said, "There's a rabbit pounding the elixir of life out there."

Yong Soo looked at the moon himself. "Nah, he's pounding mochi."


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 15:53:12 UTC
So cute, can't wait for the next part! This is awesome <3


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 04:07:56 UTC
Thanks for the support anon! ♥


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 16:33:29 UTC
Love Love Love this!!

But the SPOILERS!! Oh NOES!!! x3

This installment was to cute~!!! Thanks for the update!!


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 04:12:08 UTC
jsdklasjdklasj ♥

Oh anon~ Secretly, this will be the title. It was either that or "NEWS FLASH: YOU ARE NOT ALONE."

Thanks for the support, anon!


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 06:09:49 UTC
Oh so clever! I think you picked the perfect title!!


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 17:15:57 UTC
This is so wonderful and sweet ♥ update soon please!


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [5.3/n] anonymous May 18 2009, 17:36:57 UTC
Anon always looks forward to your updates!


SPOILER: He's not an only child [6/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 17:01:41 UTC
FFFF. T-This anon doesn't deserve the love that you give, guys.

"Alfred," Matthew said as he gently prodded his roommate, "Alfred wake up or else we'll be late for the assembly." 'Again,' he added in his mind.

It'd been a week since they first arrived in camp. It had been a better week than what Matthew had expected it to be, and he somewhat had Alfred to thank for that, because if Alfred hadn't been there, he wouldn't have ever mustered the courage to actually talk to anyone else.

Though, as he tried waking up Alfred, Matthew thought that the week would've been simply perfect if Alfred was the sort of person who liked waking up early ( ... )


SPOILER: He's not an only child [7.1/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 17:05:14 UTC
"This is Team Water Pipe and Team Awesome," one of the counselors, a man Matthew knew was called Sadiq, said. "Boys," he looked at the team captains, "this is a friendly game of basketball, okay? Roughhousing can go after you're not in front of me."

"Gotcha!" Alfred cheerfully replied.

Ivan was silent though.

"Are we clear on this, Braginski?" Sadiq asked.

"Of course."

And Sadiq had to say that he'd never seen a creepier smile before. So he only let out a nervous grin -- not that his nervousness was something overly apparent -- and blew the whistle.

Basketball. A game made only violent by boys around their age. Matthew was happy that he was on the bench, and he hoped with crossed fingers that Alfred wasn't crazy enough to call him in the game because everyone knew that he sucked at basketball ( ... )


SPOILER: He's not an only child [7.2/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 17:08:46 UTC
Matthew didn't know why, but the two of them had started to laugh after a moment or two of silence. He certainly didn't know why he started laughing too.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Mattie," Alfred said.

"I didn't know myself," Matthew confessed.

"What am I going to do with all of you?" Yao said as he entered the scene.

"They're sorry."

"I don't think we are," Alfred said. He looked at Ivan. "Do we?"

"Yes," Ivan said.

Matthew stood up and sighed.

"Boys will always be boys, but this is ridiculous," Yao said as he looked at the two badly beaten up boys in front of him. "The two of you stay in your rooms. For a week."

"Huh what? No fair!" Alfred whined ( ... )


Re: SPOILER: He's not an only child [7.2/n] anonymous May 19 2009, 18:20:29 UTC
I love Ivan and Alfred's reaction; FIGHT!! Then lulz all around. I'm glad the two get along...sort of.

He gets featured in a lot of magazines. You read those lifestyle things?

No. My father does though.

PFFT Arthur is so silly!!


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